A lot has happened since i last blogged. Some happy and proud moments, and some very, very sad ones.

1. :) We bought our very own house! - We've been planning, and dreaming about buying a house we can call our own. And we have found the perfect one. But, we keep on delaying buying it for no reason really. And finally we decided, although the design and the price is pretty perfect for us, the location is just not practical. Hubby's office is moving... and me? Well.. I was on a contract.. and can't be too sure if the company would require my service after these past 3 years. So, after looking at Hubby's new office's area.. we thought it's only right to buy a house there, so at least one of us doesn't have to travel so far to work. Looked around we did.. and found a house. It's a completed property and has not been bought yet. To cut the long, boring story short, our loan was approved and we are now just waiting for the keys to find its way to our hands! And if everything goes as smoothly as we hope it would be, we will be moving to our new house in January, latest by February. Hopefully. Or at least anytime before I’m due, which is end of March.

2. :) Pregnancy is going well, although I personally feel that it's totally different than Afiq's time. Last 2 weeks i went for the monthly checkup, and the gynae told me, he's pretty sure that it's going to be a girl this time. Alhamdulillah..:). We'll have to confirm it in the next checkup of course.

3. :(( Afiq was admitted in SJMC on November 4th due to terrible wheezing. We stayed there for 3 nights. 3 saddest nights of my life. Afiq had to use the nebulizer 2-hourly at his worst time. Both Hubby and I don't have a history of asthma, so this is totally new to us. We were discharged on Tuesday.. and the paed advised us not to send Afiq to the nursery for that week at least. So, we went back to my home town on the same day.. and left Afiq with my parents. The feeling is totally indescribable! We left him after he was asleep.. and I cried, and cried and cried all 2 hours in the car back to KL. I kept looking at the backseat of the car, as I always do when we're travelling, to check Afiq out. And to see it empty is just too sad. When we got home (it was midnight then).. i swear i could hear Afiq calling "mamaaaaa"... I called home like 13 times the next day!. Afiq had a good time at home. All attention went to him, and he had all the space he needs. lari sana sini... kejar ayam.. main bola in the evening. The 2nd night was easier.. but Hubby and I woke up at 4, feeling that we had slept for too long! We ended eating cucur udang. Yes.. at 4.30 a.m. We rushed back home on Saturday. Oh, and I cant get enuff of kissing and hugging Afiq.

4. :) We had a follow up appointment with Afiq's paed a week after that. He's alright now. But... no cold drinks (not that I've ever gave him that). Nothing from the fridge. No acidic fruits. Warm water for bathing. AND he has to use inhaler. Inflammide on normal days.. top with Ventolin on not-so-well days. For the next 6 months or so, we'll have to adhere to these rules... and hopefully he'll be perfectly allright after that. InsyaAllah. We'll pray hard.

5. :). The company won the system my team is maintaning. In other words, I am still needed for at least 2 years here. Words I hear is that, they are making us, the contract staff, permanent. I hope that means a raise. But it also means.. I have to commute from Kajang to Subang everyday. It aint gonna be easy I'm sure. But I'll try. (That's how much I love this job, really). But if it's too hard, rezeki ada di mana2 kan? I'm not too worried. So yeah, good news for my career..:). I heard about a promotion.. but then, it's too early to tell (and believe). And I actually like having my boss around.. so... I'm happy this way.

6. :) We're going for curtains-shopping this weekend. I'm honestly nervous! i'd rather choose the design of wrought-iron grill rather than curtains! I know nothing about textile. I just learnt what roman blind is today, in fact! Day curtains? Night curtains? Aiyo.. Hmmm.. let's just hope it's not going to be a disaster. If it takes me like a year to invite u friends for a house warming, be pretty sure that it's my curtains I'm embarrassed of! Nothing personal ok? hihi.

Wish me luck on curtains-hunting!