Adreena didn’t sleep well last night. That of course means, I had a bad night. I should really be sleeping right now, now that she’s asleep. Tapi tak boleh pulak. O well.
It’s already day 37! How time flies. 23 days left until I have to return to work. :( And it’s only 7 days until my confinement period is officially over. If confinement is 44 days lah. Some says it’s 40 days. Which one is right eh? Not that it matters sgt pun to be honest. I HAVE sneaked out a few times, hehe. With Shahril of course. Partner in crime. :D
On the 30th day of confinement, we went out for my post natal checkup at which I was told that I still have “byk masa lagi” to have another one before I turn 38 – the recommended age of stopping ‘production’. Hehe. Adreena had her checkup with her pediatrician too at which we were told she is doing superb. She cried her lungs out kena cucuk, sampaikan the doctor commented, “Mama, your baby nangis memang volume 5 terus ye?” That’s my girl alright. :).
Guess where we went after the checkup? Vacuum cleaner shopping. Haha. At Harvey Norman @ Ikano no less. :) I’ve been eyeing the Ergorapido since I saw one at Ngah’s house. Didn’t feel the urgent need for it until I become a stay-at-home-mom (albeit for only 60 days). The thing I hate the most about vacuuming is plugging the power you see, so Ergorapido is really the solution for me. Mengada2 I know, but I really hate the cables and all.
So I’m a vacuum cleaner freak now. That makes me a much happier person. :D
And kelmarin, we sneaked out again. This time to Jusco Cheras Selatan. It was our engagement anniversary. (At this point, any reason to celebrate can and will bring me out of the house, really. :) ). Looking back, if anyone were to tell me during my engagement that 6 years from then I’ll be having 3 kids of my own, I don’t think I would believe it, or know what to DO with 3 kids. But alhamdulillah, I am truly blessed to kinda know now what to do with 3 kids. ;). Most of the times, at least.
Here’s a photo of Adreena on her 18th day on Earth. :). More will come soon, I promise.