We took Afiq & Mariessa out earlier today to buy them a new pair of baju melayu & baju kurung. The original plan was to bring Adreena along as well, but since she was asleep we decided to leave her with Bibik.

About 2 hours after we went out:

Afiq: Mama, Abang rindu la kat Deena.
Mariessa: Kakak pun! Kakak rasa macam dah lamaaaa tak jumpa Deena.

Needless to say, my heart just melted.
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Hopefully I’ll get to sit down and write soon, InsyaAllah. I do miss writing but time is really not on my side. Until then, a sneak peek to the highlight of the school holidays. :)




Am now at the hospital waiting for my 32nd week checkup with Dr. A. Went to the hospital's surau earlier. One lovely lady was already in the surau when I went in:

LL: Dah azan ke dik?
Me: Dah, dah, baru je habis azan.
LL: Terima kasih. Ni dah cukup bulan ke?
Me: Belum lagi. Baru nak masuk 8 bulan, InsyaAllah.
LL: Ohhh.. Anak sulung ke ni?
Me: Tak, ni yang no 4, InsyaAllah.
LL: Ohhh, nampak mudaaaa lagi.

Lovely lady, wasn't she? :D

As I mentioned, I am now entering the 32nd week. Checkup is now 3 weeks apart. The last time we saw Dr A, she estimated Baby A weighing at 1.6kg already, Alhamdulillah. I am already so huge, people at the office have started asking when I'm going to pop or whether I'm carrying twins on a daily basis!

Ironically, work has never been heavier and I'm not even exaggerating! I am enjoying it although I can't stop wishing I could just work from home since morning traffic is horrendous these days and sitting too long is giving me pain all over. Oh well... :)

My turn's to see Dr. A. Praying that all's well, InsyaAllah.




A lil update:


Here’s Baby A at 32 weeks. See how chubby he already is? ;)



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