Alhamdulillah it has been almost a month (29 days to be exact) since I started my new 'job'.

I can tell you this much: It's the most tiring job! I expected it to be tiring, but still it's so much more tiring than I thought!

It is also the most rewarding job ever! Alhamdulillah.

(I'd love to write more, but now that Adreena and Muiz are sleeping, I'd better go and get lunch ready.)

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So we said goodbye to Bibik on Friday. I am grateful to report that there was no drama swasta  at the airport that night. Alhamdulillah


I think a huge part of the ‘success’ was because we decided to tell the kids about our plan just before we left home for the airport. Afiq was not so happy about going to nursery, Mariessa was eager, Adreena, well she doesn’t understand anything yet. So Shahril told them that they only have to go to the nursery for 5 days.


Mata terbeliak… “5 days je?”

“Lepas tuuuu?”

“Lepas tu duduk kat rumah la, macam biasa”

“Sapaaa nak jaga kitoranggg"?”


“Mama cuti?”

“Takkkk… Mama dah berhenti kerja”

“Hahhhh?? Berhennnntiiiii?” Terbeliak some more.

“Sampai bila bila?”

“Iye, sampai bila bila la, InsyaAllah”






A few seconds later



“Alamakkkkkkk… maksudnya siang dengan malam lah kena mengaji dengan Mama??” <- guess who said this.




Spent the Saturday in Bangi.


EndSeptember (3)


Baruuuu je masuk lift,

Edrick: Errr..Aunty Reennn.. I forgot my goggles, I cannot swim without my goggles.


Naikkkkkkkkk atas balik. :)


EndSeptember (4)Berlima… riuh sekampung.

By the way, that’s as far as Adreena would go. Baru masuk sikittt je..”Mamaaaaa, basahhhhhhhhhhhh!” Hish.



See? Still there.



Sent the kids to the nursery this morning. We were not sure what was the best way to go about it – Shahril & I send the kids together ke, I send the barang2 dulu and then Shahril sends kids ke… Sebab we know if I was there, mesti lah ada drama sikit (not me, kids lah of course). Problem solved when tiba tiba, enjin Savvy tak boleh start. I find it amazing in ways Allah answers us.


So berangkut la semuanya (except Afiq who has left for school) ke nursery. Sampai nursery - Muiz tak faham apa2 lagi. Buat muka heran je. Adreena who was excited dari pagi about going to nursery, sampai pagar je, dah stop. Tak nak jalan. Pujuk2.. masuk la jugak ke dalam. Kat pintu rumah, stop lagi. Last2, we kissed her goodbye and terus masuk kereta. Meraung la itu budak. “Mama! Mama! Taknak! Taknak!”.. Kannnn dah kata, mesti ada drama kalau Mama ada.


I got in the car, terus nangis! <- Ini yang sebenar2nya drama. Hehe.


Mariessa saw me crying and said “Takpe lah Mama.. Nanti Kakak balik sekolah, Kakak tengokkan Deena dengan Muiz”


I, of course lah cried harder. Drama, kan?


Had breakfast with Shahril and Mariessa kat kedai after that. Senyappp je masing2. Then Shahril said, “we’re doing the right thing”.

Me: which right thing?

Shahril: Ainil resign tu.

Me: Kalau Ainil belum resign, hari ni jugak hantar surat rasanya. :)


It’s going to be 5 chaotic days. But thinking of the days to come after that 5 days, I know it’s sooo going to be worth it.



Cepat la pukul 6. I just want to go home.