
We left 443 for Pasir Mas at around 7.30 on Saturday.  Boleh tahan jugak jalan nya.  Masuk kampung keluar kampung.  Masuk ladang keluar ladang.  But it was nice for a change. One thing I noticed was, pergi mana2 pun mesti jumpa MRSM. The one in Kuala Lipis is practically in the middle of nowhere!

We stopped for a toilet break at RnR Gua Musang and continued to Pasir Mas.

Arrived at the wedding venue at about 2.30 p.m. Ingatkan we would be among the latecomers,  tapi rupanya masa tu orang tengah ramai. It was scorching hot. The food at the kenduri is soooo sedap! And the shaved ice is probably one of the best I've tasted, Alhamdulillah. 

We left Pasir Mas after that for KB pulak.


Dah lama tak letak gambar.. ;)

The boys,  right before we left 443 for KB.


We decided to take the kids for a road trip to East Coast for the Merdeka long weekend. It's been a while since we took them anywhere (the usual excuse : Adli kecik lagi, it would be too much to handle semua2 etc, hehe). So since Adli pun dah setahun, we thought it's high time.

We left home after Isyak on Friday and spent the night at 443 so that we could leave really early the next day for KB.


It's the first day of toilet training Muiz.  I've been delaying it sebab rasa tak sempat and tak larat and tak sanggup nak deal with the mess.

It's only 10 a.m... so far so good. Hope it's going to be a successful day. Amiin.

I've decided to make this blog private, at least for the time being. I've been wanting to write, I feel like I have so many things to write about but there are times when I don't want my thoughts to be read. I don't know if that makes any sense, but it doesn't really matter. Does it?

I sent my phone for repair today. Pecah seribu when it slipped off my hands early yesterday morning. Ada hikmahnya lah agaknya. Maybe I've been a little too attached to my phone that it has to be taken away. This is a little hard for me to accept... But who am I kidding? That's the truth.

Naturally I feel a little lost today. Terasa sunyi semacam. Terus rasa nak menulis. Padahal iPad ni dah lama tak dipegang.

Spent a little time with Afiq & Mariessa today as well. Sekolah kebangsaan cuti lagi for CNY while kindergartens tak cuti. I wish I could spend more time like this.. Dilema ibu anak 5 lah ni. Kesiannnn yang besar2, Mama asyik busy dengan yang kecik2. Hopefully there'll be more opportunities like this in the future InsyaAllah.

Cukup lah dulu for a comeback entry kan. Let's hope there's more to come.