I've decided to make this blog private, at least for the time being. I've been wanting to write, I feel like I have so many things to write about but there are times when I don't want my thoughts to be read. I don't know if that makes any sense, but it doesn't really matter. Does it?

I sent my phone for repair today. Pecah seribu when it slipped off my hands early yesterday morning. Ada hikmahnya lah agaknya. Maybe I've been a little too attached to my phone that it has to be taken away. This is a little hard for me to accept... But who am I kidding? That's the truth.

Naturally I feel a little lost today. Terasa sunyi semacam. Terus rasa nak menulis. Padahal iPad ni dah lama tak dipegang.

Spent a little time with Afiq & Mariessa today as well. Sekolah kebangsaan cuti lagi for CNY while kindergartens tak cuti. I wish I could spend more time like this.. Dilema ibu anak 5 lah ni. Kesiannnn yang besar2, Mama asyik busy dengan yang kecik2. Hopefully there'll be more opportunities like this in the future InsyaAllah.

Cukup lah dulu for a comeback entry kan. Let's hope there's more to come.