Afiq taught Mariessa her numbers last night…


“what is this, Kakak?”

 (yang nampak rambut tu, tak lain tak bukan Adreena lah. Asal Mama nak ambik gambar je dia mesti nak lalu! :P)


Afiq: Okay.. Abang tulis, Kakak baca apa yg Abang tulis k?”  - writes 4

Mariessa: FOUR!

Afiq: Good job, Kakak. – writes 3

Mariessa: FIVE!

Afiq: Tengok betul betul! Ni kan three, bukan five!

Mariessa: Tapiiiiiiiiii.. lepas four kan kena five? Yang Abang tulis three tu kenapa???



“Three! Sebut betul betullll… Three!”

(Adreena doesn’t want to be left out, of course)


Hands on Adreena ni!


“Ok lah, Abang kasi Kakak three star hari ni! Kakak kena belajar bersungguh sungguh lagi tau?”

(Whoa! I don’t think I’ve ever said that to any of them… not as baku as that lah at least”




Adreena’s currect favourite book. The book is just as noisy as the reader. :P


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Trying out Kakak’s tudung this morning at breakfast.



Made these for breakfast. Thank you soooo much K-lynn for the easy peasy steps of making these.


And lastly, as usual every morning.. guess who’s the most excited?

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Abang & Kakak baru nak keluar pintu, dia dah siap pakai kasut!

1 Response
  1. Sayalah Says:

    Hahahah.. glad something i wrote so randomly benefits someone.
    But seriously sgt senang dan sedap, kan.. who cares if they comes from a box. Mothers need to be smart to be efficient.