Received this from someone I consider as my 3rd sister. ;) This was a complete surprise! Thank you very much Kak Pet!
Mula2 suspense ok... fikir sapa laaaaa hantar hadiah kat ofis ni. Echeh! The last time Shahril did a surprise like this was errrr 3 years ago! Hint! Hint! January 4th dah tak lama k, everyone? Hahahaha..

Kat dalam tu ada what I first thought was Almond London. Tapi bila makan, dalam tu kurma i think, covered with chocolate. Afiq tersangatlah suka nya. He has finished eating 2 of those, baru teringat nak tanya.. "Mama.. sapa bagi ni?" Tau pulak tu kalau wrap lawa2 gini, mesti org bagi. Hehe. And while eating his 4th one, I made a call to Kak Pet for afiq to say thank you. Afiq said, dgn gaya2 sekali.. "Hmmmm sedapnya!!! Nanti, kalau abis, Mama suruh Aunty Pet bagi lagi k?" Hihihi.
The best thing is, the very moment i received this at my office, Ummi called and said she just got one too! Delivered rightttt to her bed in HUKM. She was thrilled, and touched! Thanks again, Kak Pet! When i visited her later that day, she asked me to bring it home first. Nanti bila dah Raya, boleh bawak balik ke HUKM.. kot2 la ramai visitors kan, she can jamu whoever dtg nanti. :).

Actually orang tu susun lagi lawa daripada ni. Heheh.. Tapi bila masuk dalam kereta, i keluarkan, takut tuggang terbalik. Pastu bila nak susun balik dah tak reti! Hehehe. Apa2 pun.. i sungguh la berkenan kat the bekas tu. Cantik aa!
To Kak Pet, thank you very, very much! Semoga murah rezeki sokmo! ;)

Mula2 suspense ok... fikir sapa laaaaa hantar hadiah kat ofis ni. Echeh! The last time Shahril did a surprise like this was errrr 3 years ago! Hint! Hint! January 4th dah tak lama k, everyone? Hahahaha..

Kat dalam tu ada what I first thought was Almond London. Tapi bila makan, dalam tu kurma i think, covered with chocolate. Afiq tersangatlah suka nya. He has finished eating 2 of those, baru teringat nak tanya.. "Mama.. sapa bagi ni?" Tau pulak tu kalau wrap lawa2 gini, mesti org bagi. Hehe. And while eating his 4th one, I made a call to Kak Pet for afiq to say thank you. Afiq said, dgn gaya2 sekali.. "Hmmmm sedapnya!!! Nanti, kalau abis, Mama suruh Aunty Pet bagi lagi k?" Hihihi.
The best thing is, the very moment i received this at my office, Ummi called and said she just got one too! Delivered rightttt to her bed in HUKM. She was thrilled, and touched! Thanks again, Kak Pet! When i visited her later that day, she asked me to bring it home first. Nanti bila dah Raya, boleh bawak balik ke HUKM.. kot2 la ramai visitors kan, she can jamu whoever dtg nanti. :).

Actually orang tu susun lagi lawa daripada ni. Heheh.. Tapi bila masuk dalam kereta, i keluarkan, takut tuggang terbalik. Pastu bila nak susun balik dah tak reti! Hehehe. Apa2 pun.. i sungguh la berkenan kat the bekas tu. Cantik aa!
To Kak Pet, thank you very, very much! Semoga murah rezeki sokmo! ;)