
This morning, 5 minutes after she woke up:


Mariessa: Mama, nanti bila Kakak dah besar, Kakak nak beli Estima lah! Boleh tak, Mama? (Mimpi Estima kot malam tadi?)

Mama: Bolehhhhh…. Nanti Mama boleh naik tak Estima Kakak?

Mariessa: Bolehhhhhhhhhhhh.. Tapi, Mama duduk belakang je. Sebab masa tu Mama dah ketua dah. Biar kakak reverse!


Ketua = tua.




A few nights ago, during bedtime. Afiq yang dah baring, tiba2 duduk semula. Dengan muka serius:

Afiq: Mama, Mama rasa Bumi ni selamat lagi tak?

Mama terkedu.

Mama: Hmm.. kenapa Abang tanya macam tu?

Afiq: Saja je! Abang cuma nak tau.. selamat ke tak Bumi ni?

Mama: InsyaAllah, kita kena la selalu doa k? Kita doa, mintak Allah selamatkan Bumi ni… Kalau kita banyak2 doa… InsyaAllah selamat.


Not the best answer, I know. Would anyone share with me how to answer this best?




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I’ve been wanting to blog about this since the very day, but ilham tarak mari. Tambah pulak.. patah hati entah buat berapa kali. (Hey that rhymes). Tak habis2 patah hati. * sigh *


Untuk mengcover kebuntuan saya, biar saya letak gambar banyak2 k?


Anyway, LCPS (that’s Little Caliphs Prima Saujana) had its first Sports Day on 18th of June this year. 4 LCs combined and made it a much bigger event.

LCSportsDay (1)The theme: Fostering Ukhwah Through Sportsmanship

Afiq and Mariessa (especially Mariessa) had been practising the school cheer for weeks before the day. So much so, sampai Adreena pun dah reti cheer!


We were told to be at Padang Uniten at 7.30. As expected, kecoh la pagi tu to get everyone ready. Time tu lah Milo tumpah kat baju la… dah nak keluar pintu baru nak ‘chin’ lah.. Macam2. Stress Mama! Hehe


We managed to get to the venue on time. Tak tau la masa tu siapa yang lebih excited, Mama ke anak2.Ayah konon2 cool.. :P


LCSportsDay LCPS was the red team that day. Gooooo chilli!


LCSportsDay (2)

We were in red too! Ni cheerleader paling riuh!


LCSportsDay (3)

Before the parade


It was an emotional day for me. Rasa macam cepat sgt anak2 membesar. Baruuuu je bersalin.. eh, dah sports day?? Before everyone marched in, saya dah tersebak sorang2 dah… Then it was announced that the red team is led by Afiq Naqiuddeen.. Huii.. tak reti lah nak express apa perasaan saya. Tiba2 je berderai air mata. Ada la terasa poyo sikit… but what to do??


LCSportsDay (11)


LCSportsDay (15)

Mariessa tengah bergosip ngan kawan baik dia. Sempat lagi tu!


The first event was for 4 year olds.


LCSportsDay (24) Laju ok, Mariessa lari!


LCSportsDay (25)


LCSportsDay (26) Seriussss je tunggu 2nd event.


Afiq pun masuk 2 acara.


LCSportsDay (32) In this game, Afiq was the last runner, hence the ‘selepang’


LCSportsDay (36)

Ni 2nd game. Pass baton. Afiq was the 2nd last runner. Teacher pun lari sama! :D


Overall, LCPS won the first place, Alhamdulillah! Afiq represented the school at prize giving ceremony. (ok, ok, saya ngaku.. masa ni pun ada airmata..:P)


LCSportsDay (37)

Afiq receiving the medals for LCPS


LCSportsDay (41)


LCSportsDay (44) Doing the school cheer

LCSportsDay (51)

Happy dapat medal, but happier with her goodie bag. :P


LCSportsDay (53)

Ready to go home


LCSportsDay (54)



For full story… here and here


Pada suatu hari…. ada budak telah terdiscover bakat terpendam beliau.


Hasil seni beliau adalah seperti berikut:


AdreenaConteng (2)

Terlalu abstrak untuk ditafsirkan


AdreenaConteng (3)

Twinkle2 little star?


AdreenaConteng (3)

Nak kaler apa? Kuning? Hijau? Macam2 ada.


AdreenaConteng (8)

*Mama pitam


Setelah ditarbiahkan barang seminit dua… dan ditepuk (manja) sikit tangannya oleh Mama….


“Ayaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……. “ pastu sembam muka kat sofa!


Ayah: Takpelaaa… nanti bila budak2 ni dah besar, kita cat je balik dinding tu.

Mama: Better still, bila budak2 ni dah besar, kita pindah rumah lain je la ye? :D


AdreenaConteng (16)

Aksi meniru gaya Mama marah! :P

Haiiii lah anak…


Last week:


Afiq: Mama.. Abang bosan lah!

Mama: Bosan? Kenapa Abang bosan?

Afiq: Sebab Bibik tu sukaaaaaaaaaaa suruh Abang makan. Sikit2 kena makan! Abang tak suka lah, Mama.

Mama: Bibik suruh Abang makan apa? Bila?

Afiq: Ye lah, hari2 Bibik suruh Abang makan nasik! Abang tak suka makan lah Mama. Kalau Abang nak sesuatu, kena makan dulu. Kalau tak makan, nanti Bibik tak nak bagi. Kenapa kita kena makan, Mama? Boleh tak kalau Abang tak nak makan?






* Sesuatu refers to fruits or vitagen or calci-yum or cakes or whatever we have at home yang bukan nasik. :).


Selalunya balik sekolah je, Bibik akan suruh makan nasi dulu.. then baru lah boleh apa2 yang lain. That’s the deal. Anyone with the same situation?


Last night:


Ayah: Ainil nak makan tak?

Mama: Tak la Yang. Kenyang

Mariessa: Hihihihih… Mama panggil Ayah, Yang? Hihihihi..

Mama: Kenapa Kakak gelak?

Mariessa: Ye la.. macam panggil Nyang (moyang) je. Hihihihihihiihi



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Last year, I wrote about Afiq’s first Award at LC.


This time around, it’s Mariessa’s turn. Alhamdulillah.


All pictures courtesy of LCPS. Full story here.


Best Hafazan       : Afreena Mariesa


Pre- Readers 4 & 5 yrs







Allhamdulillah. Syukur pada Mu Ya Allah.

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Before I went to Kuching, dalam kepala dah plan macam2 nak buat kat sana. Nak baca buku, nak tengok TV… and paling penting… nak TIDUR! To have uninterrupted sleep lah konon. Dah tak payah bangun buat susu or tukar diapers kan? This is my.. 5th.. or maybe 6th time in Kuching, so takde la rasa nak berjalan2 sgt. Plus, at this point of time, rasa ‘me’ time tu lagi precious dari nak jalan2. :).


Ahhhh… so that’s what age can do to you. ;)


Realitinya.. The first night there pukul 1 baru dapat lelap. Pukul 3 terjaga, pukul 5 terjaga lagi. Pastu terus tak dapat sambung tido dah. Rasa sunyi sgt pulak, walaupun TV tu sentiasa ON kan je. Sekali tu, terjaga sebab terasa2 macam Adreena panggil, mintak susu. :)


The 2nd night, slightly better lah. Fell asleep sometime around midnight, pukul 6 pagi baru terjaga. But I felt like I didn’t sleep at all. Camano tu? Myybe sebab penat sgt 2nd day tu agaknya. We concluded the audit at the first operation office at noon and continued at the 2nd office which runs a  totally different operation right after lunch hour until about 5.30. Penuh sesak dalam otak rasanya. Ala2 tepu la kira. By the time we reached the hotel it was already 7pm as it was raining cats and dogs, so the traffic was nothing unlike KL’s traffic.


The highlight of the 2nd day was this:


Sim1 Can you believe this? Can you?

Taking off.. errr ke ni time nak landing? :D




I tried the simulator which the company is maintaining. Mula2 tu konon2 tak nak try pun. Tapi lepas tu naik sheikh. Hehehe. Syokkkkk rupanya. Crashed it once or twice. Itu pun rasa macam dah nak tercabut jantung! Serius! Kecut perut dibuatnya. Melilau cari runway nak landing. Echewah.


Pastu terfikir… pilots semua tak confused ke eh bila diorang bawak kereta?? Lainnnnn ok! Saya yang test 10-15 minit tu pun, sendiri terfikir.. nanti bawak kereta agak2 kalau tarik steering tu kereta boleh naik ke atas dak? Heheheheh…


pilot wannabe... NOT. ;)

My colleague and I were on the first flight out to Kuching from KL on Monday. It was my first time onboard the Firefly. Dah lama rasanya tak jejak kaki kat KLIA. Asyik gi LCCT je.


KLIA Busy even at 6 am.

I think KLIA should consider besarkan the surau.


It was by far the noisiest flight I’ve ever been in. Engine wise AND passenger wise. Macam directly proportionate gitu. Lagi engine kuat, yang bersembang kat depan pun makin kuat. Pakkal lah ada 2 row je kat depan pun! Bersembang sakan cik main! Tak habis2 idea diorg sejam empat puluh lima minit penerbangan tu. Aiyayai…


Food was OK although if I were to compare, I think nasik lemak served by AA is way better. :)


Sampai kat Kuching, dah ada staff Kuching yang tunggu. No, I didn’t do any “grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr” action, but it made me smile la imagining it. Hehe.


We were first brought for breakfast Kuching style! Dah la dah makan dalam flight kan, tapi since diorg ajak, how could we say no, ye tak? We went to a gerai called Mom’s Laksa on Jalan Astana. Jangan tanya lebih2.. that’s all I know. :).


I’ve been to Kuching a few times before, tapi tak pernah rasa Laksa Sarawak yang sedap. So, selalu tak faham kenapa ada kawan yang sukaaaaaaaaaaa sangat dengan Laksa Sarawak. This time around, since the guy who took us there kata that one mmg sedap, saya pun tabahkan hati la order. Dah terfikir2 dah, macam mana nak buat muka ni, kalau tiba2 rasa tak sedap. How meh? Kang kecik hati pulak diorg kan.


The stall was full! Orang bersilih ganti.Heran jugak rasa, tengok orang breakfast makan laksa. Not long after we ordered, the laksa arrived. Berdebar2 saya scoop kuah dia, rasa sikit.


Wallawehhhhhhhhhh…. sedappppppppppppppppppp!!!!


Takde gambar, sebab den sogan! :D Nampak naaaaa pelancongnya. :D


Petang tu after work, we were sent to our hotel – Harbour View. OKlah, nothing to complain about the hotel. Baru je sampai bilik, my phone rang….


The room



The view from my room on the 11th floor.


Afiq: Mama… Mama dah sampai Kuching?

Mama: Dahhh…Mama dah habis kerja pun hari ni. Esok sambung lagi.

Afiq: Ohhh… Mama dah sampai hotel ke?

Mama: Ha-ah.. Mama kat hotel. Abang pegi sekolah ok tak hari ni?

Afiq: Ok… Tadi banyak berlatih untuk sports day!! Bestttttt!. Tapiiiiiiiiiiii……………

Mama: Tapi apa?

Afiq: Tapi… Abang rinduuuuuu kat Mama.

Mama: (cair)….

Afiq: Kalau Mama ada kat rumah, kan best!

Mama: Mama pun rinduuuuuuuu kat Abang. Lagi 2 hari je Mama balik k?

Afiq: OK Mama..


Afiq the day before I went to Kuching. Baru lepas potong rambut. :)





Ada lagi cerita on the first day.. To be continued la ye? :D




I broke the news to the kids yesterday that I was going to ‘kerja jauh’ for 3 days starting today. Afiq was concerned about the fact that I was going to be away for three days. “THREEEEEE days, Mama? Lamaaaa nya! Kenapa kena pegi kerja jauh2? Kat ofis Mama tak boleh buat kerja ke?”


Mariessa, well.. terbeliak mata dia when I told them I was going to Kuching. Cepat2 saya tambah, Kuching tu nama tempat. For the record, I am terrified of cats. Teramat-amat! Nampak kucing, dada saya ni berdebar debarrrrrrrrr je rasa. No joke. Siapa je yang tak tau pasal takutnya saya pada kucing.


After a few minutes of silence…

Mariessa: Mama, bila Mama sampai kat Kuching nanti, Mama buat macam ni tau….Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sambil buat badan gaya Incredible Hulk!). Nanti kucing semuaaaaaaa lari. Mama jangan takut k?


Tak cukup nafas saya gelak malam tadi!


So….. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!


I’ve never, ever baked a chocolate cake before since I’m not into chocolate. (Thank God!) OK, once my SIL gave me an instant one, tinggal nak kacau ngan air panas je  but that doesn’t count. :D So when my brother asked me if I could bake him a chocolate cake, I took the challenge (<- ayat2 standard kat resume ni.. almaklumlahhhhhh) and cepat2 cari resepi on the internet.


After looking at soooooo many chocolate cake recipes, I decided to try the one I found here. First because I’ve been following forum @ cari.com.my for years and I trust the blog owner’s recipes. Don’t you just hate it when you try a recipe and it doesn’t turn out macam orang lain buat? Well, the recipes I collected over the years from that forum has never disappoint me.  Secondly, the recipe looks easy enough to follow. No pelik2 ingredients and the biggest point is, tak payah bawak keluar mixer. Hehe. The only thing that makes me nervous is the fact that it’s a steamed cake. Steaming makes me nervous.


For easy reference, here’s the recipe:

(Copied bulat2 from http://dapur-digital.blogspot.com/2011/01/kek-coklat-kukus-munira-super-moist.html)


Kek Coklat Kukus (Munira)
Bahan-bahan: - akak guna loyang bulat 9"
1 cawan gula pasir - akak letak 3/4 cawan aje
1 cawan serbuk koko
1 cawan susu cair
1 cawan susu pekat
1 cawan minyak masak - akak guna minyak jagung mazola
1 sudu kecil serbuk nescafe - yg ni akak tambah
semua bahan di atas digaul sebati dan masak atas api perlahan sehingga gula larut.
Rehatkan sekejap bila dah sebati
Bahan B:
3/4 cawan tepung gandum
1 sudu kecil (sudu kfc) soda bikarbonat
1 sudu kecil (sudu kfc) baking powder
semua bahan di atas diayak
Bahan C:
4 biji telur - diblender (tapi akak pukul hingga kembang)
Cara membuat:
Satukan bahan B dan bahan C ke dlm bahan A secara berselang seli dan gaul dgn senduk aje. Bila dah sebati masukkan ke dlm loyang yg digris dan dilapik kertas kalis minyak. Kukus selama 1 jam atau sehingga masak. Jgn buka pengukus semasa proses mengukus 45 min yg pertama takut kek jd mendap.


Note: I did exactly as K.Noor did i.e. gula 3/4 cawan je.. tambah nescafe & only after 55 minutes of steaming baru saya berani bukak tutup pengukus. Dengan penuh debaran sekali!

Recipe for the chocolate ganache:

(also found online tapi tak ingat sangat sangat kat mana saya jumpa. Will link once I remember)

300g whipping cream

400g cooking chocolate

1tbsp butter / margarine

2 tbsp honey


Masak whipping cream atas api sederhana sehingga keluar buih. Masukkan cooking choc  yang dipotong kecil2. Then masukkan butter & honey. Kacau hingga sebati. Done!


The outcome?



  ChocCake1_1Ada orang dah tak sabar2 nak makan.




Tension sebab Mama asyik nak ambik gambar je. Hehe


Alhamdulillah. Lega rasa!


This one I baked for my brother, who wanted to surprise his girlfriend for her birthday. He wanted a colourful one. :)


Alhamdulillah, they loved it too!  Phew!


Lebihan choc ganache tu.. saya salutkan lah kat donut, pagi tadi..



Comot2 sebab nak cepat.

Alasan je tu sebenarnya, kalau bukan sebab nak cepat pun.. comot jugak. Hehe



The size is actually just a little bigger than a 50sen coin. Senang anak2 nak makan, sekali ngap je!