My colleague and I were on the first flight out to Kuching from KL on Monday. It was my first time onboard the Firefly. Dah lama rasanya tak jejak kaki kat KLIA. Asyik gi LCCT je.
Busy even at 6 am.
I think KLIA should consider besarkan the surau.
It was by far the noisiest flight I’ve ever been in. Engine wise AND passenger wise. Macam directly proportionate gitu. Lagi engine kuat, yang bersembang kat depan pun makin kuat. Pakkal lah ada 2 row je kat depan pun! Bersembang sakan cik main! Tak habis2 idea diorg sejam empat puluh lima minit penerbangan tu. Aiyayai…
Food was OK although if I were to compare, I think nasik lemak served by AA is way better. :)
Sampai kat Kuching, dah ada staff Kuching yang tunggu. No, I didn’t do any “grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr” action, but it made me smile la imagining it. Hehe.
We were first brought for breakfast Kuching style! Dah la dah makan dalam flight kan, tapi since diorg ajak, how could we say no, ye tak? We went to a gerai called Mom’s Laksa on Jalan Astana. Jangan tanya lebih2.. that’s all I know. :).
I’ve been to Kuching a few times before, tapi tak pernah rasa Laksa Sarawak yang sedap. So, selalu tak faham kenapa ada kawan yang sukaaaaaaaaaaa sangat dengan Laksa Sarawak. This time around, since the guy who took us there kata that one mmg sedap, saya pun tabahkan hati la order. Dah terfikir2 dah, macam mana nak buat muka ni, kalau tiba2 rasa tak sedap. How meh? Kang kecik hati pulak diorg kan.
The stall was full! Orang bersilih ganti.Heran jugak rasa, tengok orang breakfast makan laksa. Not long after we ordered, the laksa arrived. Berdebar2 saya scoop kuah dia, rasa sikit.
Wallawehhhhhhhhhh…. sedappppppppppppppppppp!!!!
Takde gambar, sebab den sogan! :D Nampak naaaaa pelancongnya. :D
Petang tu after work, we were sent to our hotel – Harbour View. OKlah, nothing to complain about the hotel. Baru je sampai bilik, my phone rang….

The room
The view from my room on the 11th floor.
Afiq: Mama… Mama dah sampai Kuching?
Mama: Dahhh…Mama dah habis kerja pun hari ni. Esok sambung lagi.
Afiq: Ohhh… Mama dah sampai hotel ke?
Mama: Ha-ah.. Mama kat hotel. Abang pegi sekolah ok tak hari ni?
Afiq: Ok… Tadi banyak berlatih untuk sports day!! Bestttttt!. Tapiiiiiiiiiiii……………
Mama: Tapi apa?
Afiq: Tapi… Abang rinduuuuuu kat Mama.
Mama: (cair)….
Afiq: Kalau Mama ada kat rumah, kan best!
Mama: Mama pun rinduuuuuuuu kat Abang. Lagi 2 hari je Mama balik k?
Afiq: OK Mama..
Afiq the day before I went to Kuching. Baru lepas potong rambut. :)
Ada lagi cerita on the first day.. To be continued la ye? :D