I first wrote this on Afiq's birthday, which was on April 16th. Every time I try to write something so close to my heart, I find myself lost for words.
Afiq turns 8 today, Alhamdulillah. How time flies, it surely doesn't feel like it has been 8 years since I laid eyes on him.
I look at him now and I am amazed at how precise he is to my imagination of how I would dream my first born to be and more. I look at him and I know I'm blessed. I look at him and I feel overwhelmed with emotions. Love, pride and now that he's 8, I am more worried about my ability to be the mother he needs; to guide him to be successful not only in this world but more importantly in the hereafter.
May Allah guides us to be the best we can be.
Happy birthday, Afiq. Doa Mama Afiq selalu dalam lindungan Allah, membesar menjadi insan soleh yang cerdik pandai, beramal soleh.
For his birthday, I wanted to bake something he loves. Well, he is my number 1 fan when it comes to my baking. Breads, muffins, cakes - most of the time he would be the most excited one. So I wanted this cake to be extra special.
He loves Oreo. Really, really loves Oreo. So I searched for Oreo Cake Recipes. Most results I found were Oreo Cheesecake, though. I finally stumbled upon this recipe and thought it looks simple enough.
From Ita Masam Manis
250 gm butter
1 cwn gula
2 cwn tepung naik sendiri - I used tepung kek
1 sudu kecil baking powder - tepung dan baking powder diayak
4 biji telur
1 sudu kecil esen vanilla
8-10 keping oreo - kisar halus
Campurkan butter, gula. tepung, baking powder, telur dan esen vanilla dan pukul selama 2 minit. Jangan terlebih pukul ye!
Campurkan oreo dan kacau rata.
Tuangkan adunan dalam paper cup. Susun atas tray
Bakar dalam oven dgn suhu 170C selama 10 - 15 minit atau sehingga masak.

* Note: Since I used this recipe to make a cake instead of cupcakes, the method I used is slightly different:
Pukul butter dan gula sehingga kembang. Masukkan telur satu persatu. Masukkan esen vanila. Masukkan tepung. Bakar dalam oven pada suhu 170C sehingga masak.

Note: the first time I made this cake I used 2 x 7 " pans. It took around 45 minutes since the cake was quite thick. This morning I used 2 x 9" pans instead and it took around 30 minutes.

For the buttercream, I used this recipe from here: buttercream
250 gm butter
250 gm krimwell
125 gm gula icing
200 gm golden syrup
Pukul butter dgn krimwell hingga putih. Ayak gula dan masukkan ke dalam butter dan pukul hingga licin. Gunakan speed perlahan.
Bila sudah licin masukkan golden syrup dan pukul dgn speed laju hingga adunan putih dan creamy.
Note: I also added a cup of crushed Oreo to the buttercream.

Alhamdulillah, the cake turned out very very good! It was so good that Shahril told me I should bake it again when we had a small makan-makan just 4 days after I baked the first one!

Alhamdulillah, once again it was a huge success. It was so good, my sister-in-law wanted to order it for her birthday in August! Alhamdulillah.I was so busy being a host, I didn't get to take lots of pictures.

I am really happy with this cake. I have baked quite a number of cakes, and I am not really a cake person, so my expectation of a cake is rather high. This is the first cake I feel confident enough to sell, so when a few friends asked whether they can order this from me, I gathered my guts and said yes.
So the very next day after we had our 2nd Oreo Cake, I baked this for a dear friend.

Alhamdulillah. I hope this will be a blessed new adventure for me.

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