I've heard about donat kentang quite a while ago. A colleague raved about how good a donat kentang tastes. I remember looking for the recipe, but I was turned off by the fact that it requires 4 egg yolks to make!

I totally forgot about it after that, until recently when I was about to bake a cake for Mariessa's birthday celebration at school. The cake recipe calls for 5 egg whites and I wondered what I could use all the egg yolks for. Started googling and came across the donat kentang again. I was thrilled, like finally, I have a good reason to try it!

Of course, there are a lot of variations of donat kentang recipes on the net, but this one seems to be the most talked about. You can google for 'Donat Kentang Fatmah' and see just how many people have tried this recipe.

I got mine from This blog

Donut Kentang

500 gram tepung berprotein tinggi/gandum - I used tepung gandum
50 gram susu tepung
11 gram yis kijang - I used instant yeast (mauripan)
200 gram kentang, kukus, haluskan dan dinginkan - instead of kukus, I just rebus 2 medium size potatoes. Lenyekkan and biarkan sejuk.
100 gram gula pasir
75 gram mentega/marjerin
½ sudu kecil garam
4 biji kuning telur - I had 5, so I just threw all 5 in. Why waste, kan? Hehe
100 ml air sejuk dari peti ais

Dalam mangkuk besar, satukan tepung gandum, gula, susu tepung, yis dan digaul rata.

Masukkan kentang halus, kacau rata dahulu sebelum dituang telur dan air sejuk. Uli hingga rata dan setengah elastik.

Selepas itu, baru dimasukkan mentega dan garam, uli terus hingga menjadi elastik. Rehatkan selama 15 minit.

Bahagi doh kepada 50 gram dan dibulatkan licin. Rehatkan lagi selama 15 minit sehingga mengembang.

Buatkan lubang di tengah tengah dengan gerakan memutar dan segera digoreng dalam minyak sederhana panas sehingga berwarna kuning keperangan.

Angkat dan toskan. Tabur dengan gula kaster atau hias dengan coklat.

** What I did was, as always, I just put everything into the bread maker. I have to admit that I have some doubts I the beginning. The dough looked keras (in the beginning) and it looked as if the bread maker was struggling to knead. I contemplated adding more water but I decided to wait. Lucky I didn't, because after 15 minutes of rest after kneading, the dough was just perfect. In fact, when I was taking the dough out of the bread maker, I was really surprised at how soft and yet firm the dough was. Must have been the butter and the mashed potato. A nice dough to work with, really.

By the way, the bread maker takes one and a half hour to finish the whole process. The first half hour is for kneading and the hour after that is for the dough to rise. I let this dough to rise for only 15 minutes as I was pressed for time - I started the whole process at 5 a.m and I need to have the donuts ready before Afiq leaves for school at 6.45 a.m. Instead of shaping the donuts 'manually', I use the donut cutter.

This recipe yields a lot of donuts - 28 large ones in my case ( it depends how big and thick you make it). So I keep half of it frozen after frying it lightly. Oh and the most tricky part of the whole process for me is actually frying the donuts. I started with medium heat and even then the donuts turned brown in a split second.

After tasting this donut, I honestly think the 'regular' donut will seem very plain and boring. Hehe.

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