It was definitely one heck of a week, right after I wrote my last entry. Like I said, I was looking forward to go for a picnic on Saturday in Ulu Kalong, but the night before the picnic, Afiq suddenly developed a fever. First we thot, sikit je lah. But on Saturday morning, right before we went to Ngah's place to berkumpul before going, Afiq was scratching his body, all over. Rashes naik. Badan pun naik merah. Never happened before.

So we went to Ngah's place, send some things there, just in case we cannot make it. Went to Klinik Mesra in Bangi. Dipendekkan cerita, the temp was 39C! And the Dr said, the rashes 'came' out because of the high temperature.

After discussing it for a while, we decided we could still go to the picnic. Kot2 lah Afiq will feel better kan. Usually he's like that.. bila dah bagi ubat.. terus hilang sakit.

Ulu Kalong was nice! Best sgt! The chalet was simple, tapi best. Air sungai dia.. laaagi best! But Afiq didn't get better. After probably 2 hours, we decided to bring him to KPMC instead.

Kat KPMC.. Dr checked, still very high temp. Put him on drips because he was already dehydrated (refused to eat & drink). And he was given an injection for the rashes to stop him scracthing. Mula2 tu OK.. but baru je habis separuh the drip, he started to garu2 again.. and the temp went up. So Dr kata, kena admit. By then, i think it was 8 pm or so.

After settling in, Mariessa & I went back to pack for Shahril &
Afiq. Then tapau-ed dinner (had to wait for an hour, tension betul! Kena sound 2-3 round cashier tu, nasiblah. Dah kena pangkah itu restoran Cik Kiah). Had dinner in the hospital room. Went back home with Mariessa at about midnight. Mmg penat!

Next day, Alhamdulillah Afiq was discharged. Terus elok! So dapat la kitorg balik Jelebu for Raya Haji.

Ptg raya Haji, balik Kajang semula. Next morning I flew off
to Kuching. Flight was delayed for an hour. Work in Kuching was ok, thank God. But the moment I got to Kuching, start batuk2. Came back to KL on Thursday night. Penat and not feeling well.

Batuk batuk batuk the whole weekend. Bangun2 pagi isnin.. Mata pulak merah2! Pegi KPMC.. dapat MC.

Hah.. mengingatkannya pun penat! But despite the pegi sana pegi sini, we're doing just fine. For the first few days tu, rasa mcm buat laundryyyyy je non-stop. Byk betul! Laundry and ngemas, takde lah lain. Funny, but so far I've enjoyed ironing the clothes as well! Folding not so much. Maybe it's because of the new iron. (Dont ask what happened to the old one. Not my fault, really. Honestly. Hehe). Takde baju2 berlonggok dalam bakul ok? I'm sooo proud of myself. Yey Me!!!

Am looking forward to hopefully an uneventful weekend. I'm still coughing badly. Shahril, Afiq and Mariessa are starting. Sigh!. My voice is so serak & sexy now. Nak cakap pun susah.

Some not-so-recent pictures of Afiq & Mariessa, to brighten
up this otherwise mundane entry.

Gotong royong dua beradik

I'm happy and proud to report that so far we're doing extremely well. :)
I know it has only been one day (being maidless), saja je ngada2. Kasik can la k? ;)

My maid's flight was delayed from 1850 to first 2110 and later 2145. We waited until she has gone through the immigration and then we left LCCT. By the time we get to Ngah's house, it was already 8pm. It's still (very) early by general standard I know.. but for us, it's considered a little late.By 'us' I mean.. Shahril, me and the children. We don't really go to bed THAT early-lah.. but usually.. by 8pm or so, o
n weekdays that is, we'll already be in the bedroom playing with the children while trying to catch the news... or.. sometimes, all of us will already be asleep. Tu sebab kalau lepas pukul 8 je.. mata masing2 pun dah kuyu.

Am looking forward to tomorrow's picnic with 443 cla
n. Dah lamaaaaaa tak pegi picnic. We're going back to Jelebu on Sunday and coming back to Kajang on Monday. Then on Tuesday I have to leave for Kuching until Thursday for work. This will be the first time Shahril is going to handle Afiq & Mariessa alone for 3 days! I'm pretty sure everything will be fine. Bonding time with the children eh? :)

And I'm very, very sure... I'll be missing them terribly. These two dan bapaknya juga.

Have a good longer-than-usual weekend, peeps. Selamat Menyambut Aidil Adha. :)

In a few minutes, I'll be going home.. to fetch the children and the maid, and then we're going to LCCT. Am sending my maid back for cuti.. for, let's see.... 44 days! (Mcm org dalam pantang pulak bunyi nya, hehe).

As much as I think it will be chaotic from now on, I am actually looking forward to this. To do everything my way albeit the kelam kabut that comes with it, I'm sure.

Print out the list of things to be put inside the children's bag every morning so we wont forget anything. Check.

Plan and jot down everyday schedule. What time to wake up (earlier by half an hour), when to do laundry, ironing and what nots. Check.

Prepare mentally to do house chores. Check. (prepare ok, prepare.. One can only hope. hehe)

I am excited. It's a little funny I know. It's not like I don't have a good relationship with my maid. I do. She's ok. We get along well. Ada la masa rasa nak marah, of course.. but nama pun manusia kan. Tambah yang jenis temperature mudah naik, like moi. Haha.. But yes, I'm looking forward.

The only setback is.. I am sooooooo not looking forward to lipat baju.. and lebih2 lagi gosok baju. Oh tidak!!!

Any volunteers? Momster? Hahahahah...

Woopss.. Shahril's here. Chiow!