
Yesterday, 6.30-ish pm, from Ampang to Cheras on MRR2 near Pandan – the Queen of all bottleneck areas on MRR2. Bumper to bumper. I was on the most right lane. Not moving.

Suddenly a Kelisa from the middle lane, bagi signal ke kanan and terussssssssssss je nak masuk in front of me. Did I mention that it was bumper to bumper and we were NOT moving? The driver was a young woman. The car has P sticker. And her car was then slanting in between the most right lane and the middle lane causing motorists to stop. Causing more jam and more noise. Motor2 semua dah “pin! pin! pin!”

Then I saw her hentak2 both hands on the steering dengan muka cemas. Ye lah, byk oooo motor beratur belakang kereta dia, and it was drizzling! Soon after that she  got in front of me, her car was still slightly slanting so I could see her in full view. She then rolled her window down, stuck her face out, and examined her face on the side mirror. Rain and all, I kid you not! She must have had a major pimple issue, I thought. Major AND critical!

Guess what she did the very moment the could get her car straight in front of me? She moved back to the middle lane.

I think that girl has a very serious issue. As major and as critical as her pimple problem.

thinks P is for Poyo

Last Sunday, lepas mandi:

Mariessa: Mama, kakak dah besar la Mama, kakak tak payah pakai diapers dah! Kakak dah pandai ‘chin’ kat ‘tailet’.

So dengan berdebar2nya, we let her go diaper-less lah for the day. Padahal dah lamaaaa dah we’ve been trying to pujuk her into going diaper-less.

And walla, NO Accidents! :)

Balik from nursery semalam:

Mariessa: Mama, tadi kat sekolah (nursery), kakak tak pakai diaperssssssssss!!! (sambil moncong2 ni)  Kakak pandaaaaaiiiii!!

2 days and NO accidents!


Note to Ngah: Somehow, this reminds me of Kitreena. Tak nak tak nak try something new… tiba2 one day terus terror je kan? Sooooo Kitreena betul tak?

The past 2 nights jugak, tiap2 malam Mariessa suruh call Aunty Mas. Sebabnya, dia nak nyanyi lagu Happy Birthday to Aunty Mas. Padahal dah nak dekat sebulan dah lepas birthday Aunty Mas nya! Instead of ‘Happy Birthdayyyy to you….” she will sing “Hatty Bir-bay to youuuuuu” pastu last sekali berbisik je… “Aunty Maaaaaaas”. Heheheh

In exactly 38 days, Mariessa will turn 3. Where did the time go???


(ala-ala suci dalam debu… kuang3)

I am supposed to be on leave today. But due to a meeting that was scheduled today, like a responsible person that I am (still in appraisal mode, hence the masuk bakul statement), I postponed my leave to next week. 30 freaking minutes before the scheduled meeting, it got cancelled!

Sakit tak sakit hati????

Oleh sebab itu, saya isytiharkan hari ni sebagai hari saya bercuti di ofis. Yey Me!!

Some pictures, untuk menyejukkan hati yang panassssss. ;)

anak3collageNgah said she thinks Adreena looks different from Afiq & Mariessa. What do you think?  Cer teka which one is Afiq/Mariessa/Adreena?


Kanak2 riang atas pelamin. Anak sapaaaa lah ni?


One is more excited than the other, actually. Susah nak dapat mood Mariessa posing2 mcm ni. :)


Sejuk dalam panas ------

1. InsyaAllah, saya nak mulakan azam baru saya hari ni. Buat pertama kalinya, saya tiba-tiba je dapat hidayah nak buat azam baru. Azam yang kali ni berbeza dari azam2 yang lain sebab kali ni azam saya bukan untuk kuruskan badan. (Itu azam saya dari 7 tahun lepas, kontrak azam tu asyik terpaksa dilanjutkan aje dari tahun ke tahun, sampai dah tak boleh dikategorikan sebagai azam lagi dah). Harap2 azam saya yang ini akan dapat saya laksanakan. InsyaAllah.

2. Penilaian prestasi kerja saya untuk tahun 2009 telah pun selesai minggu lepas. Tak tidur saya satu malam terfikir2. Alhamdulillah, umpamanya saya jangka akan dibaham harimau, tapi akhirnya saya digigit semut saja. It could not get any better – itu lah yang boleh saya katakan. Saya harap itu cukup baik untuk saya terus bekerja di sini. Kita tunggu dan lihat. :)

3. Dalam satu mesyuarat baru2 ni, buat pertama kalinya sejak saya di sini (seingat saya-lah), mesyuarat itu dimulakan dengan bacaan Al-Fatihah dan diakhiri dengan surah Al-Asr. Baru saya sedar betapa lamanya saya tak jumpa rutin sebegini. Susah saya nak gambarkan betapa syahdunya perasaan saya. Sejuk hati saya. Tambah2 pula, tuan pengerusi mesyuarat itu, ‘handsome’ orangnya. Betullah, sesetengah orang, makin tua makin handsome pulak. Macam Richard Gere. Ok, dah terkeluar topik pulak saya.

4. Baru2 ini seorang rakan lamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa saya telah terjumpa saya di Facebook. Lamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tu, maksud saya rakan saya di All Saint’s Taiping tahun 1985 sampai 1988 dulu. Hebat betul!

5. Afiq telah memeluk saya dengan penuh girangnya malam tadi, hanya kerana saya telah belikan serunding daging yang stoknya telah pun habis. Kejadian kehabisan stok serunding memang jarang2 berlaku di rumah saya. Tak kira lah serunding dari Kelantan, Labuan, Alor Setar mahupun serunding Pasar Tani Kajang bila keadaan memaksa. Terima kasih Aba kerana telah mengimport serunding daging dari Aloq Staq itu untuk saya. Hanya sebab serunding, mood Afiq baik dari malam tadi, sampailah ke pagi ni. Sekali saja saya suruh dia mandi pagi tadi, terus dia buat! Kalau pagi lain, selagi tak dua belas kali… jangan haraplah dia nak bukak baju. Dan disebabkan serunding jugalah, malam tadi saya tak perlu nak memaksa Afiq untuk makan. Lemang 2 ringgit yang saya beli di pasar malam habis dimakan Afiq dan Mariessa sahaja.

6. Pagi tadi sambil Afiq memakai baju, dia bercerita. “Mama, kawan Abang kat sekolah dia jawab banyak kali bila Teacher tanya.. dia dapat TEN sweets, Mama!” “Abang dapat berapa sweets?” “Abang dapat three je” “Kenapa Abang tak jawab banyak2 macam kawan Abang?” “Abang jawab banyak… tapi salah. Hihihihii”. Saya rasa kelakar juga anak saya ni. Dan hari ni, dia sgt excited nak pegi sekolah, sebab dia dah ingat hari ni hari apa. “Friday, friday, friday!”

P1010434Hasil kraftangan Afiq yang pertama di Little Caliphs


Ini hasil lukisan Afiq. Di whiteboard di dapur saya.

Begitulah adanya


Once in a while I guess we are bound to make silly mistakes. Okay maybe not ‘we’.. but I.

Made one yesterday and more than anything it made me want to  curl and puke and take a trip to the Moon and come back in about….. 73 days.



Never make decisions when you are angry.


Never make promises when you are happy.





DSCF0553 How meh?


mind. Mine that is.

  • A few friends who read this blog have expressed concerns about my status with The Company. Alhamdulillah, I am safe. For now at least. The ‘2nd’ wave hit the shore last Monday, this time taking with it some unexpected people. If the first storm was obviously about performance, the recent one is rather vague. No one knows for sure the reason behind it. It is therefore anyone’s guess as to who’s next.
  • .
  • Greetings these days instead of “Hi how are you?” would be “ Hey, you’re still here!!”. Very not funny, but spot on.
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  • And now, it’s assessment time again. People looking absolutely clueless staring at their laptop screen is a common sight across the office. I especially find it very2 hard to masuk bakul and angkat sendiri this time around. It was never easy but never this difficult. Said bakul, needless to say isn’t very big right now. I don’t feel like making it any bigger anyway. What do I have to worry about more now? The bakul being small, or the fact that I don’t have the heart to make it bigger?
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  • Jobstreets I’m sure has noticed a lot of people updating their resumes these past 2 weeks or so.
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  • I’ve always wondered why I just cannot get along with a certain someone. And unfortunately, during a meeting very recently I suddenly came to a conclusion (obviously my mind was wandering). It’s the arrogance that’s bothering me. Being good at what one does is one thing, but being arrogant about it is another thing all together! I have not been able to put a label on it, but now that I have I think it’s just making it more difficult.

09022010 where it’s peaceful and calm

- surfacing for air

A couple of weeks ago, I decided that enough is enough with Mariessa’s hair. I love her hair, don’t get me wrong. On little girls like her, curly hair is extra adorable! Although the fact remains that we have NO idea where she gets it from other than cousin Kitreena. :D

So one fine day, we took her to a hair salon nun jauh di sana in Jelebu and cut her hair short.  09012010(006)

1st ‘crime’ scene

But then, a week later, I began to feel that it wasn’t short enough since I still have to ‘ikat’ her hair to keep it neat. Miserable hair = Miserable Mariessa = Miserable Mama.

31012010(001) With cousin Sofia

So last Saturday, I took her to another hair salon near my place. And I said I want it short. Very, very, really short! Alang2 dah potong rambut kan, biar pendek terus!

06022010The 2nd ‘crime’ scene


















She’s saying… ‘lagi kali!!!” – means lagi sekali suruh ambik gambar dia. Looks different ey? She loves it + I love it = One happy family!

- All pictures are taken with my phone. These days even taking out the camera from my bag proves to be too much a task! No kidding. That’s how busy I am. Yup. True.