Just before I went home yesterday, I received the news that one of Afiq’s classmates’ mother had passed away.


Berderau darah saya. Macam macam yang terlintas di fikiran.


I cried all the way home. I don’t know Arwah personally. We might have met during LC’s events, we might have not. But that’s irrelevant. The fact is that she had a son of my son’s age, and I could have been in her shoes. So I cried.. mengenangkan suami dan anak kecil yang ditinggalkan.


I know I’m not ready – dari segi dunianya.. apatah lagi dari segi akhiratnya.


When someone  dies, it serves as a reminder that sooner or later, our time will come. Tak kira tua, tak kira muda, tak kira yang sihat ataupun yang sakit. Takkan tercepat atau terlambat mahupun sesaat.


Setiap yang bernyawa akan menemui ajal, dan sesungguhnya akan disempurnakan ganjaran kamu pada hari kiamat. Sesiapa diselamatkan daripada neraka dan dimasukkan ke dalam jannah (taman/syurga), maka sesungguhnya dia telah beruntung. Dan kehidupan dunia tidak lain melainkan kesenangan yang memperdayakan.

Everyone shall taste death. And only on the Day of Resurrection shall you be paid your wages in full. And whoever is removed away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise, he indeed is successful. The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception (a deceiving thing).

Al-Imran 185


Semoga kita berada dalam golongan yang beruntung, InsyaAllah.


Al-Fatihah to Alif Q’s mother. Semoga Allah mengampunkan dosa-dosanya dan meletakkannya di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman.

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4 Responses
  1. maya amir Says:

    beb..aku pun penah nangis bile terima one letter from airell's kindy mintak derma kilat sbb ade ayah to one of their students meninggal (kat branch lain..aku tak penah jumpe pun).. i didn't know the family tapi aku rase mother's instinct kot kan beb.. perasaan kite lebih cpt terharu, sedih etc etc.. pray Allah gives more strength to them:(

  2. Serene Says:


    Tu lah. Sedihhhhhh sgt rasa... but I'm sure Allah has a better plan. InsyaAllah. Kan?

  3. afidalina Says:

    i was just thinking about the same thing on my way home from the office. sambil jalan tiba2 terpikir menda sama. that's why the most intelligent amongst us is those who remember death often. lets strive to be such person kan kak.

  4. Serene Says:

    Afi, let's! :)
