My first time answering a tag. :D

1. Bekas kekasih saya adalah:

Salah seorang yang mungkin baca blog saya. Hehehehe...

2. Saya sedang mendengar:

Lagu My Best Friend oleh Tim McGraw. Hari ni hari ke3 berturut2 saya dgr lagu ni tak henti2. Saya jatuh hati kat lagu ni.

3. Mungkin saya patut:

Sambung kerja yang saya buat tadi. Tapi penat lah! Take 5 kejap. :)

4. Saya suka:

Warna biru. Dari dulu sampai skrg. And smiley face. Sgt comel!

5. Sahabat-sahabat baik saya:

Jarang2 saya jumpa atau telefon, tapi bila jumpa boleh aje continue where we left off.

6. Saya tak faham:

Kenapa ada seorang manusia ni boleh memandu 40km/j di pagi hari Isnin untuk pegi kerja di jalan yang tak sesibuk mana.  Mungkin kah dia keluar rumah pukul 6 pagi untuk sampai ke pejabat pukul 8.30 pagi sebab dia sukaaaaaaaa memandu tersangatlah perlahannya mcm tu? Hari ni hari Selasa, tapi saya masih marah kepada orang yang memandu perlahan itu semalam!

7. Saya kehilangan:

Cincin pertunangan & cincin perkahwinan saya baru2 ni. Sedih sangat2 sebenarnya. Perempuan yang curi barang2 tu mmg keji.

8. Ramai yang berkata:

Kulit muka saya makin smooth sejak saya mengandung. Saya rasa itu tanda2 yang it's going to be a boy! Sebab masa saya mengandungkan Afiq pun ramai yang kata mcm tu... tapi masa saya mengandungkan Mariessa kulit muka saya tersgtla kasarnya. Kita tunggguuuuuuuu.....

9. Makna nama saya:

Kalau ainil tu diambil dari ainun (in arabic).. maksudnya mata. Sufreena pulak, kalau diambil dari root word nya Safaro maksudnya perjalanan. Mungkin mata saya suka berjalan2. Ahaks. I'd like to think of it as the journey of my eyes. Whatever that means.

10. Cinta itu adalah:

Bila saya tengok perkataan cinta... saya teringat lagu C.I.N.T.A. K.I.T.A.... sampai bilaaaaaaa.....? Nasib baik dia tak eja seluruh lagu tu... mesti penat!

11. Di suatu tempat, seseorang sedang:

Meraikan hari jadinya. Masa zaman2 menulis surat dulu, saya pernah tulis surat sepanjang 24 mukasurat (saiz A4) kepada dia. Kesiannnn dia kena baca surat saya. Tapi dia pun balas panjang juga. Lagi kesian kat saya kena baca surat dia... sebab tulisan dia berbelit2.! Happy Birthday Doc!!!

12. Saya akan cuba:

Untuk menguruskan badan selepas bersalin nanti. Itu lah azam saya sejak 10 tahun yg lepas (and 3 pregnancies). Tapi takpe... ada masa2 nya it's the thought that counts. Saya takkan putus asa. :)

13. Ayat SELAMANYA membawa maksud

Lama jugak lah patutnya kan?.

14. Telefon bimbit saya:

Tak pernah dari jenama lain kecuali Nokia. Oh, ada sekali saya beli telefon LG sebab masa tu nak cari telefon yang paling murah. Lepas tu saya beli Nokia juga. Telefon LG tu saya simpan untuk emergency. Tapi dicuri juga oleh perempuan keji itu akhirnya!

15. Bila saya terjaga dari tidur:

Selalunya Mariessa ada di tepi katil saya... dengan  muka sedih.. sambil berkata " Mama... nak ng ng" (ng ng dalam kamus Mariessa = susu. Ntah kenapa anak2 saya sgt kreatif when it comes to nicknaming susu. Ng ng for Mariessa, nini  for Afiq).

16. Saya paling meluat apabila:

Bila seseorang dalam ofis ni sukaaaaaaaaa bercakap kuat2 dalam ofis yang senyap sunyi. Cakap pulak dengan bahasa inggeris yang accentnya sukar saya tentukan dari mana asalnya. Kejap2 american accent, kejap british accent. Ada masa australian accent pun terselit. Saya jadi kesian atas kekeliruan dia. Tapi bila dia asyik selitkan perkataan 'fucking' dalam ayatnya.. saya bertambah meluat pula. It's not fucking easy konon... cakap je lah it's not easy... or it's hard.. or it's difficult... apa yang susah sgt?

17. Pesta/Parti adalah:

Masa untuk berhoyeh2 dengan keluarga & rakan2. Tapi saya tak suka sgt party2 ni.

18. Haiwan yang paling comel yang saya pernah temui ialah:

Ducky... anak patung itik saya. Kakak saya belikan untuk saya masa saya di TKC. Saya simpan sampai saya habis belajar dia UIA. Tapi lepas tu, saya tak ingat apa dah jadi pada Ducky. Kalau saya jumpa lagi itik mcm tu, saya pasti akan beli!

19. Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan bagi saya ialah:

Saya rasa, masa saya di TKC (12-17). Macam2 saya dapat buat masa tu... menyanyi on stage... menari sampai ke Jepun (orang lain belajar sampai negeri china... saya lain sikit).... berkawad sampai hitam legam... panjat gunung tanpa rasa semput ya amat... main hoki walaupun saya tak sebagus mana...

20. Hari ini:

Kawan2 saya di ofis akan makan durian beramai ramai pada pukul 5. Mereka tersangatlah teruja menunggu pukul 5. Saya tak makan durian jadi saya cuma teruja untuk tunggu pukul 6, nak balik rumah. :D

21. Malam ini saya akan:

Makan ikan tongsan masak tempoyak. Ye, saya tak makan durian, tapi saya suka tempoyak! Salah satu keajaiban dunia.

22. Esok pula saya akan:

Datang ofis dengan harapan takkan ada bau durian di kawasan ofis saya. Oh tidak!

23. Saya betul-betul inginkan:

Kamera digital yang baru. Kamera digital kesayangan saya telah dicuri oleh perempuan keji sama yang mencuri cincin2 saya. Kalau kita ni boleh menyumpah orang... dah lama saya sumpah dia jadi.... entahla... takde apa yang sekeji dia! Ada sapa2 nak belikan saya digital kamera? Birthday saya lambat lagi.. tapi advanced gifts sgt dialu2kan.

24. Ketika saya lihat wajah saya di hadapan cermin pagi ini:

saya terfikir... siapakah wanita yang berkulit cantik ini? Muahahahaaaaa.. tak lah! saya tak sempat nak fikir apa2... sebab dah lambat. :D

25. Pusat membeli-belah atau arked permainan:

Pusat membeli belah lah pilihan saya.. sebab  kalau arked permainan, saya pandang sebelah mata pun tak minat.

26. Makanan Barat atau Jepun:

Dua2 pun saya suka. Tapi sekarang ni saya sgt teringin nak makan unagi. Oh yummsss!

27. Bilik yang terang atau gelap:

Terang, boleh baca buku!

28. Makanan segera adalah:

Maggi mee, cepat dimasak, sedap dimakan. Dulu saya suka IndoMie. Tapi sekarang saya dah tak jumpa IndoMie di pasar raya. Ada yang packaging serupa.. tapi IbuMie. Kenapa Indo jadi Ibu? Saya pun tak berani nak cuba.

29. Ayat terakhir yang anda katakan pada seseorang?

"tak makan durian lah". - Kawan2 saya ajak pegi makan durian dan ramai yang tak percaya wujud juga orang yang betul2 tak makan durian macam saya.

30. Siapa yang anda mahu tag?

Hmm.. momster, ziah, sandra dan juga sapa2 yang rajin nak buat!

Thanks Ngah for tagging!


My Best Friend - Tim McGraw

I never had no one
I could count on
I've been let down so many times
I was tired of hurtin
So tired of searchin
til you walked into my life
It was a feelin
Id never known
And for the first time
I didnt feel alone

Youre more than a lover
There could never be another
To make me feel the way you do
Oh we just get closer
I fall in love all over
Everytime I look at you
I don't know where I'd be
Without you here with me
Life with you makes perfect sense
Youre my best friend
Youre my best friend, oh yeah

You stand by me
And you believe in me
Like nobody ever has
When my world goes crazy
You're right there to save me
You make me see how much I have
And I still tremble
When we touch
And oh the look in your eyes
When we make love

You're more than a lover
There could never be another
To make me feel the way you do
Oh we just get closer
I fall in love all over
Everytime I look at you
And I don't know where I'd be
Without you here with me
Life with you makes perfect sense
You're my best friend
You're my best friend

You're more than a lover
There could never be another
To make me feel the way you do
Oh we just get closer
I fall in love all over
Everytime I look at you
And I don't know where Id be
Without you here with me
Life with you makes perfect sense
You're my best friend
You're my best friend (my best friend)
Youre my best friend (my best friend)

I accidentally found this song in my playlist while I was at the office today. I don't remember how it got there. I don't know how long I've had it, but the moment I listened to this song, I was hooked! The whole day I was listening to this song. Only this song.

Such a simple song, but boy... I can never say it better.

Kebetulannya, I have not been feeling well. Penat tak tentu pasal. Perut rasa sebu, pening kepala, loya, penat... semua lah. When we got home from work tadi, I straight away went to the kitchen to prepare us dinner. I thought, ayam masak kicap will do for the night. Easy peasy. But then he said, "let me make dinner tonight".

He then cooked his signature dish... Ayam masak lomak cili api. :).  It has been a longggg time since he cooked. It was really good. Takes a true Nogori-an to make a mean ayam masak lomak I guess.

And after dinner, when I said, I'd like to rest for a while sambil tengok TV.. he volunteered to put the kids to bed.. and let me watch TV in peace. Bila naik atas, tengok2 all 3 of them are fast asleep.

And suddenly teringat balik kat lagu ni. So I thought, while I'm feeling lovey dovey ni, I might as well write about this.. and him. My best friend.

"life with you makes perfect sense"
It's only Thursday I know, a little too early still to summarize the week, but really...

1. The thing with Mariessa...
We went to JB on Saturday for lil' Aqilah Musfeerah's (my new niece and she's literally very little) cukur jambul and came back to Kajang on Sunday. On our way back, Mariessa refused to talk, eat or drink. It didn't bother us in the beginning, thinking maybe she's just a little too overtired from the trip. It was hot, the drive was long etc. And we thought, once we're home, she'll be herself again. She is usually like that, does not adapt to changes as quickly as everyone else. Always need the comfort of our home.

So when she continued not talking on Sunday night, first we thought she was just teething. The only clue we had was that she was drooling. Monday morning, brought her to the clinic, and was told that she has a FEW ulcers in her mouth!!! Kesiannnn dia.

Took the day off yesterday to stay home with her. She still refused to eat. Only surviving on her susu. So, akibatnya... kena pulakkkkk cirit birit. :(. Today, she's doing much better alhamdulillah. Was told by the nursery owner that she has asked for roti for breakfast. What a relief!

I need to ask, is it normal though, for mothers to be so paranoid like I am? I say mothers because, well, Shahril is always so cool and calm. Like, when Mariessa refuses to talk... on the 2nd day I got so paranoid thinking, what if she doesn't want to talk anymore, even after her ulcers are gone? Because she seemed sooooo content expressing herself by pointing her finger, and nodding and shaking her head. Then of course I started to try my best to make her talk, just to prove myself wrong. And of course she refused even more. Then I get more paranoid. Get what I mean?

Please somebody tell me, this is normal. Kan? Tak ke?

2. The thing with Harry Potter
I watched Harry Potter on Monday (after sending the kids to clinic and to the nursery later). It was good, tapi rasa macam tak puas tengok. I feel like there's a lot more in the book (of course). And Ziah, you said it's 180 minutes kan.. how come it's only 150 minutes eh when I watched? Pleaseeeeeee don't tell me they have a longer version of it! Huarghhh... I was counting on 180 minutes you see... so when they opened the door at 2pm (movie started at 11.30), I was surprised and annoyed! Dah la bukak pintu tu masa movie tak habis pun lagi, sakit tak hati?? Anti climax tau!!

Rasa macam nak tengok lagi. Maybe I should just buy the DVD. For the next few days after watching the movie.. I still terbayang2 the movie. Re-read the 7th book over and over again at night before going to bed. Macam angau apa je. Hahaha..

3. The thing about our 2nd car.
Yesterday, masa Shahril nak pegi kerja, Savvy tak boleh nak start. Nasib baik I've decided to stay at home with Mariessa anyway.. so Shahril took Waja to work. Mechanics came to fix it, managed to start the engine after 30 minutes.. and brought it back to their workshop to fix. Caused a BIG hole in our pocket and a BIGGER sakit hati when this morning, bila nak pegi kerja, eh stillllllll tak boleh nak start???!!!

Terpaksa la ambik half day off pulak. Panggil mechanics lagi... and this time it took them TWO hours to just start the engine. Shahril asked them to keep Savvy in their workshop until Saturday. Fix whatever they need to.

Why is it (through my experience lah kan).. as bizarre as it might sound... when we start talking about getting a new car, your (current) car will start giving problems? Have you guys experienced this? A few years back, when we wanted to change our old car to Waja, suddenly the car started rosak sana sini. Fix ribu2 only to sell it later. Now, when we've only started talking about getting a new car (and it's not even serious talk pun, baru masuk phase angan2).. dahhhhh Savvy buat hal pulak! Am i the only one? Or do I happen to own funny cars?

4. The thing about 'mean' boss/company.
Not my boss, let me stress that. Not the company I'm working for either. This is even more bizarre and mind-boggling than my Savvy story. Have you ever heard of a company whose owner can choose siapa yang dia nak bayar.. and siapa yang dia tak nak! I'm talking about salary tau. Bukan bonus.. bukan increment! GAAAAAJIIIII!!!!! The company isn't so small either. Not 10, not 100... but at least 1000 employees tau! And he can single-handedly choose a FEW yang dia tak nak bayar. I can understand if those chosen are high-ranking people like.. CEO ke.. SGM ke.. kan... but executives??? The worst thing is, he expects these 'chosen' people to come mengadap dia and THEN baru dia bagi cheque! He thinks he's god. He's thinks rezeki comes from him! I'll wait for the day when after all these people yang teraniaya leave the company... kita tengok 'rezeki' datang ke tak kat dia! We'll see. Oh, I will wait for the day!

"Wahai tuhan kami berilah kami kenikmatan pendengaran, penglihatan dan kekuatan tubuh badan selama hidup kami dan jadikanlah dia mewarisi kami dan berilah pembalasan kepada orang yang menzalimi kami. Dan tolonglah kami terhadap orang yang memusuhi kami.Dan janganlah engkau jadikan bencana bagi kami dalam ugama kami dan janganlah jadikan keduniaan sebesar-besar cita-citanya kami dan tidak sampai batasan ilmu kami. Dan janganlah Engkau biarkan orang yang tidak menaruh kasihan balas terhadap kami, dapat menguasai ke atas kami.”


First of all, do we still use the sengkang (-) for words like macam-macam or sama-sama?

The day started redup weather-wise, but I cannot express how bright my world becomes when a meeting (in which I am supposed to present on the study I've done on the thing I don't like doing) has to be cancelled due to clashing schedules. Yeyyyyyy!! Terus rasa semangat berkobar-kobar (again, patut ada sengkang ke?) nak bekerja hari ni (on different task, obviously).

I finally get to eat Crab Salted Egg yesterday at Cheng Ho with Ngah. Yey me. If Akak could join us yesterday, it would have been perfectly perfect. I heard so much about it (Cheng Ho and it's Crab Salted Egg) that I got to a point yang mengidam. Ada ke orang mengidam nak makan benda yang dia tak pernah rasa pun? But anyway... semalam, puas hati!!

(Jaja & I-dee if you guys are reading this, the taste of the Crab Salted Egg is very much similar to the Butter Milk Crab I-dee bought us in Labuan, except that kat Cheng Ho, dia tambah Salted Egg into the sauce making it more pekat... other wise, samaaaaa sedap dengan kat Labuan punya. :D)

Ngah is leaving tonight for Moscow. And I must say (although it really goes without saying), that nothing, nothing can brighten my spirit on that. We'll miss you Ngah, you know we will. Let's pray I get to save enough for 5 of us to go to Moscow next year k?

Here are some pictures of my little ones, especially dedicated to their Aunty Nid, cousin 'kakak Kitina (Kitreena) and cousin 'Edwik" (Edrick) and also Unker Karl Concen (Johnson).

Pictures are taken with my phone (to justify on the quality) last Saturday as we were getting ready for a kenduri (at which I had sambal daun tempoyak (it's that what it's called??)) a specialty of them Nogori lots.

[caption id="attachment_99" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Gaya2 model baju kebangsaan"]Gaya2 model baju kebangsaan[/caption]

Believe it or not, I bought the baju kurung Mariessa is wearing for Raya back in 2007 when she was only... hmmm 6-7 months old.

[caption id="attachment_100" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Same person, same baju. 20 months different."]Same person, same baju. 20 months different.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_101" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Thank you Aunty Nid, for the baju!"]Thank you Aunty Nid, for the baju![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_95" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Mariessa came back from 'school' with 5 'toncets'... and she's very happy with it!"]Mariessa came back from 'school' with 5 'toncets'... and she's very happy with it![/caption]

Today, 2 of my colleagues are confirmed with H1N1. I don't know Guy No.1 since he's from the Accounts Department. But Guy No. 2 is from the QRM (Quality Risk Management) Department, and he's from the same floor.

Guy No. 2 came back from Jakarta last week. He came to the office until Wednesday when the symptoms appeared. He had a lengthy discussion with Girl A on on Tuesday. On Thursday, I had a lengthy discussion pulak dengan Girl A. Guy No.2 was supposed to be there too, but he was already on quarantine. Today Guy No.2 is a confirmed case of H1N1 and Girl A is complaining of sore throats.

And I am freaking out!

The company has provided everyone with a mask, and now everyone in the office is wearing it. It's a scary sight. And no one dares to sneeze or cough, sebab nanti the whole office would want to know, siapa yang batuk/bersin tuh. Hehe. The mask is  extremely uncomfortable though, my glasses asyik2 berkabusssss je.

Let's keep on praying k?
I really have to jot this down.

Last week I felt so helpless, and lost. I was asked to complete something at work, which was difficult because 1. I'm new in this 'project' and this work is of 'higher' level. 2. The task was supposedly done by another team, but since nothing seem to come out of it, I am to 'take over' the task. So, in one way or another, I feel like I'm invading someone's territory. 3. The people who are supposed to be the 'expert' on this thing, are not co-operative lot, making my task way tedious than it should be.

Naturally (at least to me), when everyone i 'turned' to does not seem to be able to help me, I turned to God. Sometimes it's funny (not in a funny way) how I can forget the essential of things, really.

Today, my superior called me for a brief discussion. He told me that due to the urgency of another task, instead of pursuing on this matter, I am to complete my findings and come out with a report on it this week. After that, this task will be handed back to the 'original' team since they were the ones who should be working on this, in the first place. And I'll be given that other task to work on, one which I've been looking forward to.

Never had I thought the answer to my prayers would come so quickly and so brilliantly. . Miracles do happen, kan?
