
This is something you really have to see to believe.


Curious, right after I bought my set… I did my own experiment.

Dalam experiment ni, saya gunakan separuh ekor ayam yang baruuuuu je dibeli di pasar malam.. and dah dibuang kulit siap2 oleh penjual ayam tu. :).

BioZone1  Untuk ayam.. masa yang diperlukan ialah 30 minit. This picture was taken merely 5 minutes after the process was started.



Halfway through the process


Selepas 30 minit. Bila diangkat ‘buih-buih’ tu.. memang teksturnya terasa macam plastik. Makes me wonder… dah berapa kilo ‘plastik’ agaknya terkumpul dalam badan kita. Ish… Ngeri!


Saya buat experiment juga dengan carrot & timun yang baru dibeli. Alhamdulillah, tak ada la benda pelik2 keluar dari sayur2 ni.. Cuma saya notice, lepas selesai 15 minit proses ni, nampak sayur2 ni lebih ‘fresh’.

The price for this Food Purifier is RM1750.00. For something that can hopefully mencegah kita and especially our young ones daripada dapat penyakit yang macam2 sekarang ni through our food, I’d say this is definitely worth buying. InsyaAllah.

For demonstration and further info, please contact me at;



019 277 4316


FixRailing Selasa baru-baru ni, balik2 rumah aje, tengok railing langsir dah jatuh. Sapa punya angkara?


Boleh nampak tak kekesalan di wajah ini budak? Masa saya sampai rumah, dia menyorok dalam bilik.. :P (Selalunya dia tunggu kat pintu). Bila dengar suara saya, dia keluar bilik.. terus tunjuk kat langsir.. seolah olah nak kata.. “look! look!”


Minggu ni mood bakar membakar saya datang kembali, yey! Ini muffin batch kedua. Batch pertama.. saya letak sultanas. Afiq lah yang paling suka. Mariessa suka sebab boleh bawak pegi Little Caliphs. Kalau kat rumah, makan satu pun tak habis.


Disamping membakar.. saya juga sempat menjala…


Afiq dan Ben 10 nya. “Nama Abang…. Afiq Naqiuddeen Ben Ten Shahril!”. Dah agak kemas dia mewarna. Saya dah malas nak beli buku mewarna. Saya printkan aje dari internet. Kenapa lahhhh saya tak fikirkan dari dulu?


Mariessa dan Dora nya. “Mama.. kenapa Dora tu dia nak kawan dengan monkey Mama? Kenapa dia tak kawan dengan orang?”


Dora purple… Monkey pun purple. Bila saya tanya kenapa purple..”Biarlah! Kena lah sama.. dia kan kawan? Purple lah cantik… Baju Ben 10 tu putihhhhhhhhhhhhhhh je. Tak cantik!” Fashionista in the making agaknya ni?


Di satu malam yang saya balik lambat ke rumah… Shahril BBMkan gambar ni. Sepesennnn je muka budak2 ni tak ke?


Baru lah sekarang saya tau mcm mana nak guna benda alah ni. Activity saya di ofis minggu ni. Seronok juga tak mengadap PC seharian.. (esok tu tension, sebab byk kerja)


Masa ni saya menyorok belakang kawan saya. Seram….


Susah jalan kat sini, especially kalau pakai wedges. Berpoloh poloh bak kata Mariessa. Penat! Kurus sikit saya lepas tu. :D


Sekarang saya selalu juga la tido lambat. Macam macam nak buat, macam macam nak fikir. Seronok juga. Yang tebal tu buku ulangkaji saya… siapa boleh teka apa tajuk buku tu?


Let's check out how FIR in PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL functions ye?.



FIR akan menembusi 3 cm kulit


FIR menggetarkan molekul air dalam badan


Tindak balas FIR dengan sel kulit


Tindak balas FIR dalam molekul air




Selepas 30 minit pakai PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL


Selepas 1 jam


Tompok2 biru tu ialah sebelum pakai PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL dan tompok2 oren kemerahan pulak ialah selepas memakai PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL. Gambar rajah ini jelas menunjukkan FIR bertindak balas dalam badan dengan suhu yang tidak sesuai bagi perumah kanser (membiak) sekali gus membantu mencegah kanser.


Memperbetulkan perjalanan darah dalam tubuh

- Meningkatkan kadar metabolism

- Memperbetulkan dan memulihkan sistem pernafasan

- Mengelakkan pertumbuhan bakteria

- Mengeluarkan peluh asid

- Menggalakkan tumbesaran lebih teratur.

- Mengekalkan kesegaran badan

- Mengurangkan kandungan asid dalam darah

-Menghilangkan kesakitan pada tubuh badan atau tempat yang sakit

- Tidur lebih nyenyak

- Menghilangkan bau badan

- Menghilangkan kulat dan fungus

- Membersihkan udara dalam badan

- Mengekalkan kepanasan suhu dalam badan

- Membetulkan sistem urat saraf dalam badan secara automatik.


•FIR memecahkan lemak, darah beku, susu beku

• Fabrik akwatek-akwadyne (material PB) menarik keluar lemak, susu, toksik dan peluh

•FIR menghasilkan suhu yang tidak sesuai sebagai perumah kanser (suka


PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL paling mudah dan effective untuk gaya hidup sihat, cantik anggun dan berkeyakinan.


The best solution to enjoy the benefits of FIR is obviously by wearing PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL!

Call me for more information, free consultation and trial. Bila dah try… confirm terus rasa kehebatan PB ni!


019 277 4316

Stepping up on the weighing scale:

Mariessa: Mama Mama, Mama tengoklah kakak dah berapa.

Mama: ok.. Hmmm.. Fifteen!

Mariessa: Fifteen?? Alaaaa...

Stepped down.

Mariessa: Ok lagi kali! Lagi kali! Mama tengok betul2 k?

Mama: ok lah.

Stepped up on the scale again.

Mariessa: come on! Come on! (Encouraging herself for I don't know what, hehe)

Mama: betuuullll.. Fifteen!

Mariessa: alaaaa.. Kakak tak nak fifteen, kakak nak seven!

Mama: Eh?

Mariessa: Eh tapi, fifteen lagi banyak dari seven eh Mama?

Mama: iyer..

Mariessa: Oooooooo... Ok lah, fifteen pun boleh lah!


Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.
My sisters and I were lepaking while going through Premium Beautiful brochures I brought over to Mesra. When reading about FIR.. Ngah asked.. how can FIR help to lose weight?

Here’s how…

Source: http://www.biomat.com/far-infrared-ray-technologies-stimulate-permanent-weight-loss-2/

Can diet alone effect a permanent weight loss for most people? Despite the fact that a dozen new diet books hit the shelves every week, the consensus among health professionals is that changing your diet won’t change your body. This is because diet is just one element that affects your body’s overall chemistry and metabolic function.

In order to change the shape of your body permanently, you need to address the root causes of obesity and overweight. New technologies allow you to effect systemic change in your body, instead of attempting to change your shape through eating habits alone.

So how does infrared ray technology fit into the equation?

Far infrared rays have been discovered to stimulate a range of positive responses in the human body, and are successfully being used to treat a range of health conditions. Originally developed by NASA, this powerful technology has since been adopted by the medical community because of its ability to penetrate the human body safely and deliver a wide array of therapeutic effects at the cellular level.

Far infrared rays are capable of stimulating weight loss by improving the body’s basic metabolic and eliminative functions. By correcting a number of very common conditions that can lead to weight gain, this therapy achieves two major goals: it makes adherence to a regimen of healthy exercise and diet easier, and it optimizes the body’s response to these stimuli. The patient will notice that they crave sugar, fat and simple carbohydrates less, that they have more energy and vitality when exercising, and that recovery from exertion is faster.

Here’s how it works:

Detoxification: Delivering far infrared rays to the cells of the body stimulates the cells to eliminate cellular wastes and toxins more efficiently. Essentially, this is a deeper, more powerful version of the juice or water fasts that people use to detoxifying their bodies. When your body is able to cleanly and efficiently dispose of toxins and wastes, you experience fewer cravings for sugars and fats that unhealthy cells cry out for. Healthy, functioning cells are able to process more complex, high-quality nutrients instead of subsisting on simple sugars; in response, your body will stop craving them.

Metabolic acceleration: Far infrared rays permeate the body with heat energy. That energy transfers to your cells and encourages them to function more rapidly and efficiently. This, in turn, boosts your cardiovascular and lymphatic systems, increases blood flow to all parts of your body, and burns an incredible number of calories. In fact, an American Medical Association report suggested that each far infrared ray treatment burned as many calories as 30 minutes of rowing or jogging.

Physical recovery: Many people begin a weight-loss exercise routine only to be sidelined immediately by muscle and joint pain or immobility and debilitating fatigue. The regular use of far infrared rays helps people to maintain an increase in physical activity by shortening recovery time and healing minor exertion-related injuries. The soothing, penetrative heat stimulates cellular regeneration, allowing you to get back on your feet more quickly and feel refreshed, relaxed and energized.

By detoxifying the body and accelerating caloric consumption, the body is primed to avoid the kinds of foods that are detrimental to healthy weight loss, and is also able to expel calories more quickly, without converting them into fat and cellular waste products. It’s a systemic change that leads to far more successful weight loss results than those that could be achieved through dieting alone.

This doesn’t mean that diet isn’t a critical factor in weight loss. It is absolutely essential to eat a healthy, balanced diet in order to keep your body trim. But without addressing underlying issues that sabotage weight loss efforts, your ability to lose weight and keep it off are severely compromised.

Amazing isn’t it? The amount of knowledge and research that goes into something as simple as a lingerie!

Premium Beautiful

So why wait? Contact me to experience the amazing effect of wearing it at the cheapest price in 18 years!


019 277 4316


My phone rang when I was just about to have lunch with my friends Aba & Shikin.

Afiq: Mama, Mama.. TV dah rosak! Kakak kan dia main kejap tutup kejap bukak TV!

Mama: Laaaa.. Kenapa Kakak buat macam tu?

Afiq: Entahla. Mama tanya lah dia sendiri.

Mama: OK, OK, nanti Mama tanya dia.

Afiq: Mama, Mama, TV tu kan. Eh, takpelah,nak cerita lain lah. Tadi kan Mama kat sekolah, Abang lupa nak makan roti yg bawak bekal tu. Kat rumah baru Abang makan.

Mama: Eh? Mcm mana boleh lupa? Abang, kenapa Adreena nangis tu? (Dgr suara Adreena nangis sgt kuat)

Afiq: Entahla.. Mama cakap dgn Kakak pulak k?

Mama: OK...

Mariessa: Mamaaa.. Tadikan kat sekolah kan Kakak makan roti tu sikit je. Peh tu Kakak tak makan dah. (I made egg sandwich as their bekal today)

Mama: Kenapa Kakak makan sikit je?

Mariessa: sebaaaaaabbbbb Mama buattt... Tak sedappppp!!!

Mama: (Aduhaii.. nasib baikkklah dia budak.. Kalau x.. Sure Mama kecik hati sudah).. Hahaha.. Kenapa Adik nangis tu, Kakak?

Kakak: Sebaaaabbb dia tu kenapa asyik nak kaler (pencil colour) Kakak? Asyik asyik nak kaler Kakak.. Kenapa dia tak nak kaler Abang? Kakak cubit lah dia!

Mama: Ya Allah.. Jgn lah cubit adik.. Tak baik tau?

Mariessa: OKlah. Mama.. Mama tau tak kat lantai rumah ni, semua bersepah sepah! Tadi Kakak tengok sepah sikit je, sekarang, eh! Dah sepah banyakkk sekali!

Mama: Laaa.. Sapa yang bagi sepah2 tu?

Mariessa: Abang lah! Kakak tak!

Mama: OK.. Nanti Kakak tolong Abang kemas k? Boleh tak?

Mariessa: Boleh!!.... (Shouted to Abang): Abanggggg!! Mama suruh Abang kemas!!!

Mariessa: Mama, nak cakap ngan Aunty Shikin boleh tak?

Mama: Eh tak boleh. Aunty Shikin takde (trying to cut the conversation sebab nak makan)

Mariessa: Aunty Shikin takde? Aunty Aba?

Mama: Aunty Aba pun takde. Mama sorang2 je hari ni, takde kawan

Mariessa: Haaaa?? Mama takde kawan? Mamaaaaaaaaa (suara nak nangis).. Mama balik la rumah.. Kakak rinduu kat Mama.


Mama.. ambik la gambar Kakak….

 tutup mata Lagi kali (sekali).. lagi kali.. Mama ambik gambar Kakak tutup mata pulak! (Tak tau la kenapa dia suka sangatttt suruh saya ambil gambar dia tutup mata)


Last night, while Shahril was doing some work at the home PC, Mariessa was reading something.

Mariessa: aa.. Baa.. Taaa..

Ayah: Kakak.. Kenapa Kakak baca buku terbalik tu?

Mariessa: Ikut suka Kakak lah!
(betulkan buku, turned to the next page and continued reading).. Aaa baaa taaaa jaaa...

Ayah: Laaa.. Macam mana Kakak baca mukasurat kosong tu??

Mariessa: Ikut suka Kakak lah!

telekung1 Mula2 macam ni…


Haaa.. See?? Nak jugak gambar tutup mata! :D

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I am copying this from my sister, Ngah who quoted what my brother, Uteh wrote on our FB Family Group Wall on January 12th.

Pekaba warga 443?
Uteh Alhamdulillah, dalam situasi penstabilan semula hati dan perasaan yang dilanda trauma. Citernye macam ni…


Isnin baru ni, on the way balik dari sekolah, ada la Viva potong kitorang kot kiri. Dalam hati sempat berkata, hai Viva ni kang… depan tu je kang! Sambil borak-borak dengan KakTeh and Kak Betty (kawan KakTeh), tiba-tiba nampak kereta from the other side remuk giler sambil driver dia dah terlentok. Kereta still berjalan terhoyong -hayang.


Tak jauh daripada tu di laluan kitorang, depan je sket – Viva tadi dah terperosok ke tepi semak. Driver dah tersepit. Paling menggawatkan suasana, ada baby lingkungan 3-4 tahun atas jalan – kaku tak bergerak. Darah tersembul keluar dari mata yang koyak belah kanan dan kepala yang berlubang (luka dalam) atas daripada mata kanan. Masih bernafas masa Uteh angkat ke tepi jalan.


Sebelum tu sempat horn panjang right berhenti tepi jalan – takut-takut ada yang melenyek budak tu. Ada Waja offer nak bawak ke hospital, tapi tiba-tiba tak berani bila tengok darah tak henti-henti keluar. Uteh and KakTeh nekad – bawak jugak sendiri. Sebelum masuk pintu kereta, nafas budak tu mendengus – darah memancut lagi dari hidung and kepala. KakTeh riba kat belakang sampai lah ke Mentakab – hospital lama.


Uteh terketar-ketar pegang steering sepanjang-panjang ke Mentakab.  Tu je lah kot dapat citer. Ni pun asyik dok teringat. Nak tidur pun susah. Kakteh ok jek. Ceria dalam gundah macam hubby kesayangan dia jugak.

When I asked about the boy later on:

ade d hspitel tmloh.nk jd cite,driver viva which is bapak bdk 2-adalah adik pd junior i d ABS dulu.alif-budak 2,dh jahit kpla n klopak mata smlam.ade drh beku kt otak/kpla.Doc tgh cube usahakan.

I asked about the kid’s dad:

ayah dia-driver viva 2 mngal gak mlm kjdian d spitel.byk organ dlm rosak teruk.mak dia x ikut.mber ayah dia cdra ringan jek.

What Akak wrote:

Nauzubillah. For u to even stop, apetah lagi bawak the kid sampai hospital, u both must have been strong. Imagining it pun I can't.
But most important of all, it's a reminder, when u're driving, or even when u're not, for that matter. Duduk... depan ke, belakang ke, keta lain ke, kita ke, anak2 ke. Be safe. Sorry tak guna.
Thank u for sharing Teh. U and Laily did well.

On Saturday.. 3 days after the accident, Uteh wrote this:

btul 2 kak,alif(budak yg i agkat)-dh slamat jahit kpla n klopak mata.br smlam gi tgok.dh leh mkn n minum.sume slamat.alhamdulillah.

I think the message is loud and clear. Please be safe, no matter where you are and what you do. Biar lambat asal selamat.


PB Corset doesn’t come in the usual general sizes like S, M, L etc. That’s the beauty of it.. it takes into consideration the uniqueness of your body, therefore guarantees your comfort while wearing it.

How do we know your size? Well, there are 4 measurements you have to take.

*Measurements should be in cm*

First of all, measure your bust (dada / puncak).


Then, measure you underbust (bawah dada).


Third, measure your waist (pinggang).


Lastly, measure your buttock (punggung).


Provide all of the measurements to me, and I'll convert them to your Premium Beautiful size...:) As simple as that. But of course, If you’re staying around Kajang, Semenyih, Cheras, WangsaMaju and kawasan2 sewaktu dengannya, you can always call me and I’ll do it for you.

For those who are interested in PB Corset and/or the business, do feel free to contact me either at



 019 277 4316.

Grab your set while the rebate is still on!

Masa mengeteh petang tadi, dgn penuh seriusnya:

Dia: Nak tau tak.. Sekarang ni kan Waja tu jimat betul la minyak!

Saya: (blur) Oh eh? How come?

Dia: Ontah la. Hari ni kan hari Jumaat, last Abang isi minyak hari tu Ahad lepas.. Sampai hari ni tak gerak gerak pun tanda minyak tu!

Saya: Whoa!.... Eh? Huh! (Malas nak layan)

Dia: Heh heh heh...
A few mornings ago, via BBM:

Saya: Abang hantar anak2 pagi tadi gi Little Caliphs ok ke? Hantar pukul berapa?

Dia: Hantar anak2 pukul 8.24...dah pusing pusing pun 8.28 dah sampai ofis!

Saya: Huh! (Malas nak layan)

Dia: Jangan jeles.. Heh heh heh..

Alkisahnya.. Starting this week Shahril has finally moved to the new branch of his office...merely 300m away from our house. Tu la sebab eksyen semacam! :p

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You better grab it! ;)


When I wrote my very first entry on Premium Beautiful, I didn’t know what to expect. I mean I know a lot of people have heard about PB, some are even interested but still in the process of  thinking whether it would be a good investment, but I just didn’t know whether people would ‘react’ to my post.

Much to my pleasant surprise, I received quite a number of emails and facebook messages asking me about the price, the benefits and some even asked about the business, Alhamdulillah.

First and foremost, thank you very much for all the questions, I have, with pleasure, replied all of them to you girls personally. My BB’s Facebook notifications has never been busier! Hehe. Don’t be shy shy cat one to ask more ye?

What can PB do?

Well.. instant result would be this:


back  Seriously.. your body will look a lot more… for lack of better words… kemas!

Note that Premium Beautiful corsets are:-
- designed 70% for health and 30% for beauty benefit.
-It has LIFETIME WARRANTY and indeed a worth "once in a lifetime investment" for woman.
-You can wear it to shape up your body and lose unwanted fat or gain it's numerous health benefits.
-It is a perfect tool for all mothers during confinement time (healing wounds/stitches, gain back energy and return to that slim body in easy, safe, faster method).
-A must have for girls to achieve that perfect body, beautiful skin and optimum health

In longer term:

  • Wearing PB will increase your metabolic rate and therefore you will eventually lose weight and unwanted fat. The advantage is your body will not become flabby when you lose weight but firmer and shape up beautifully.
  • It helps to structure , shape your body and guide your body posture and at the same time cure back pain
  • The breathable material prevents production of fungus & bacteria hence reduces white discharge.
  • PB contains F.I.R which regulates healthy blood circulation and increase metabolism therefore unwanted fats will be eliminated, body will be tighter & firmer and further it is designed to shape up the body beautifully by spreading the fat at targeted/correct area and mold the body at its best shape. It improves skin complexion, reduces stretch marks & cellulite
  • Healthy and good blood circulation results in body getting enough oxygen and therefore functioned at its optimum level. Discharge of toxin (heavy metals, poisons, and carcinogenic material) from your body through sweating makes you feel fresher day by day and cure fatigue.
  • Expels unnecessary waste from our body, prevent water retention.
  • Among F.I.R benefits is it helps increasing the production of breast milk for breastfeeding mothers.
  • F.I.R also helps in preventing cancer and eliminate cyst.

    Now.. the most awaited piece of information….  the price :D:

    Normal price is RM2600…

    but promotional price is now RM2000-2200 according to the size..

    And…. to top that… I’ve decided to include the Premium Beautiful Natural Wash (worth RM42) as a free gift! Ala2 opening sale gitu, kan? Senang maaaa to wash your PB set! ;)


    Refresh & Soften Your Special Clothes : Blend well with selected natural plant extracts and vitamins. It is highly effective for Premium Beautiful Foundation Lingerie and suitable for exclusive garments to make it softer and at the same time, protects your hand and environmental safe.


    AND.. ada lagi.. for every cash or Credit Card payment.. you will get another RM225 cash rebate! The very first time rebate is offered after 18 years in the market! How cool is that?

    So.. if you’re like me.. who has been reading and reading and reading about PB and contemplating whether or not to buy, I’d say this is pretty much THE right time to do so! ;)

    You know where to find me kan? Oh and if you don’t:


    019 277 4316

    that’s where! ;)


    This morning:

    Afiq: Mama… Mama tolong potongkan kuku Abang boleh tak? Semalam kan… Teacher kata kuku Abang panjang… Kuku Kakak pendek.. Kakak dapat gula.. Abang tak dapat gula!

    Mariessa: Haaa tu lah! Sapa suruh kupu Abang panjang? Kan tak dapat gula. Kupu Kakak pendekkkkkkkkkkk!

    Afiq: Bukan Abang yang suruh dia panjang! Diaaa yang panjang sendighi!

    Mama: Kakak.. bukan kupu.. kuuuu kuuu.. Abang, kan baru Friday Mama potong kuku Abang? Dah panjang?

    Afiq: Ni.. tengok ni.. kan panjang? Panjang kan.. tak pendek?

    (Memang heran tengok growth kuku Afiq ni.. cepat sgt panjang.. Padahal selalunya kalau potong kuku.. mesti lah 2-2 orang tu saya potong sekali. How come kuku Mariessa still pendek, Afiq punya dah panjang?)


    While potong kuku:

    Afiq: Mama.. semalam kan.. Van Aunty Liza rosak, Mama! Dia kan.. dah jalan.. pastu tiba2…

    Mariessa: Alaaaa.. Kakak yang nak cakap dulu. Abang jangan la cerita. Biarla Kakak cerita.

    Afiq: Ala.. asyik Kakak je. Biar la Abang

    Mariessa: Kakak nak cerita.. (nak nangis dah)

    Mama: Ok la ok la.. sorang2 la cerita. Kakak cerita dulu.. lepas tu Abang. Kakak cepat cerita.

    Mariessa: Mamaaa… Hmmm.. Hmmm.. (senyum2 simpul).. semalam kan.. Van Aunty Liza rosak.. Kejap2 naik van.. pastu kejap2 naik keretaaaaa!!

    Mama: Iye? Dah habis dah cerita Kakak? Boleh Abang cerita pulak?

    Mariessa: Bolehhhh!

    Afiq: Semalam kan Mama, Van Aunty Liza rosakkkk. Dia dah jalan dah.. lepas tu dia stop. Dia stop kat kedai yang ada kuih kochi tu! Pastu tak boleh nak gerak dah. Pastu Aunty Liza datang naik kereta. Abang dgn Kakak naik kereta lah balik rumah!

    Mariessa: Ha-ah.. Peh tu kan.. dalam van tu kan panassss Mama! Banyak banyak panas! Kakak berpeluh peluh! Banyak betul panas dia!


    * Pictures courtesy of Uncle Reez. Uncle Reez ajak gi ngeteh.. rilekkkkk je 2 beradik ni poww Uncle Reez.. Hasilnya dapat la hooded sweater sorang satu. Mama Ngan Ayah pun dapat hadiah. Thank you Dik!

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