
So we (a very cool Shahril (as always) and a very nervous & excited me) went to LC to collect the kids’ report cards. I thought we would be the first to arrive since we got there at 8.30 sharp, but I thought wrong. Dah ada 5-6 kereta dah pun parked outside the school. Guess I was not the only excited parent around hence that makes me normal. Hehe.


Since Mariessa’s class teacher was available, we went to see her first. Mariessa’s results:





Integrated – Basically Pendidikan Agama Islam. Lupa pulak nak ambik gambar contoh2 soalan.

I don’t know why she wrote her name twice though. Too much time? Hehe



Ni lagi best, sampai 3 kali tulis nama. Looks like kena berlatih Maths byk2 ngan Ayah. :D


Overall comments.

I am impressed with her reading ability, Alhamdulillah. It’s not surprising though, because she IS very hardworking. She reads all the time be it story books or Iqra’, usually dengan suara yang kuattttt sekali sampai Abang tension sebab Abang tak boleh nak concentrate tengok TV. Difference between boys and girls eh?



Afiq pulak:



Maybe kena hantar pegi private tuition dengan Aunty Mas or Aunty Nid. Hehe



Whoopsie. Ini kena tuition ngan Mama. Sebab Mama lagi garang daripada Ayah.

When I asked him why banyak salah, he said, “Soalan yang coins tu Mama, susahlah. Penat Abg fikir!”


Note to self: Kena let him play with coins more. :)



Alhamdulillah. This is probably his strength right now.

When I saw this ( I saw this last, after seeing his Maths & English results), the first thing that came to mind was “Aaaa…. ada harapan nak jadi Doctor lagi ni!”. Can’t blame me, I AM afterall a mother. :P



Overall comments. Alhamdulillah.

Afiq has a natural ability to lead, said the teacher. I hope Shahril and I can find a way to enhance his strength and work on his weaknesses, slowly in time.

It’s a learning process, as much for Afiq as it is for us.


Semoga anak2 MamaAyah akan termasuk dalam golongan cerdik pandai yang beramal soleh, InsyaAllah.



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I wrote an email to High 5 last month:


To whom it may concern,

I purchased a few of High5 bread products yesterday (September 14th 2011) from a grocery shop in Jenaris, Kajang Selangor. Among those that I purchased were 2 packets of Ikan Bilis bun with expiry date of 18 Sep 2011.

 hi5 (3) hi5 (6)  hi5 (1)

This morning (September 15 2011) when I opened one of the packets I noticed that the middle back of the bun was slightly gooey. I tore it apart and it smelled foul.

hi5 (7) hi5

I opened the other packet that I bought, and it was the same. Stale and the smell was really off!

hi5 (2)

I sincerely hope you can investigate this matter and prevent this from happening again in the future.



This actually happened last month. I wrote to High 5 immediately, complete with pictures and everything, and guess what? No reply from them. It’s not like I expect them to ganti rugi ke apa… after all ‘my loss’ was just RM1.80. But a reply would have been nice. At least say something along the line of ‘we’ll look into the matter” or “we will make sure this will never happen again”. Even if it’s just an empty promise. By not replying, I take it that High 5 simply doesn’t care. Arrogant almost. Baru hilang sorang customer kan, ada ramai lagi.


I was lucky that morning, for some reason I had the hunch to take whole bun out of its packaging and inspect it before muching on it. I don’t usually do that. Selalunya saya bukak aje paket tu… and bite the top terus. I believe most people does this too kan? Kembang tekak mengenangkan if I had not done that. Eyyyeeeewwwwwwww……


Needless to say, I will never, ever, EVER buy any of their products again. EVER!


Just before I went home yesterday, I received the news that one of Afiq’s classmates’ mother had passed away.


Berderau darah saya. Macam macam yang terlintas di fikiran.


I cried all the way home. I don’t know Arwah personally. We might have met during LC’s events, we might have not. But that’s irrelevant. The fact is that she had a son of my son’s age, and I could have been in her shoes. So I cried.. mengenangkan suami dan anak kecil yang ditinggalkan.


I know I’m not ready – dari segi dunianya.. apatah lagi dari segi akhiratnya.


When someone  dies, it serves as a reminder that sooner or later, our time will come. Tak kira tua, tak kira muda, tak kira yang sihat ataupun yang sakit. Takkan tercepat atau terlambat mahupun sesaat.


Setiap yang bernyawa akan menemui ajal, dan sesungguhnya akan disempurnakan ganjaran kamu pada hari kiamat. Sesiapa diselamatkan daripada neraka dan dimasukkan ke dalam jannah (taman/syurga), maka sesungguhnya dia telah beruntung. Dan kehidupan dunia tidak lain melainkan kesenangan yang memperdayakan.

Everyone shall taste death. And only on the Day of Resurrection shall you be paid your wages in full. And whoever is removed away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise, he indeed is successful. The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception (a deceiving thing).

Al-Imran 185


Semoga kita berada dalam golongan yang beruntung, InsyaAllah.


Al-Fatihah to Alif Q’s mother. Semoga Allah mengampunkan dosa-dosanya dan meletakkannya di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman.


For the record, Adreena’s now 22 months & 21 days old. At the recent checkup, she’s 13kgs in weight and 87centimetres tall. The pediatrican said she’s a little on the ‘montok’ side.. (well, well) and she’s also quite tall. (Ayah cepat2 mengaku.. haaaaa tu ikut Ayah tu! :P)


Anyway, her vocab so far…


Anggi bird = Angry bird

Astag wo ajinnnnn  = Astaghfirullah hal azim

Ita owoh = Insya Allah. Referring to Maher Zain’s song. Her current favourite. One day she woke up and started singing.. Ita owohhhhh… Ita owohhhh…..

Ayah, Mama, Bibik.. itu standard. Kalau panggil Bibik sekali, Bibik tak nyahut… dia akan sambung… Ohhhhhhhhhh Bibik…

Abang… sometimes kalau nak marah or nak cepat.. Apik aje! :P

Tatak = Kakak

Awiz = Uncle Reez

Mai = Aunty Mas

Ninid = Aunty Nid

Na = Kitreena

Edik = Edrick

Titu = Cikgu (babysitters at nursery haritu)

Pis Ayah = Please Ayah… used when she wants something from Ayah..

Oyon ya… = Tolong lah… when ‘pis ayah’ doesn’t work in obtaining whatever she wanted.

Miyo = Milo

Oya = Bola

Uku Oyak = Buku koyak (nampak benor suka koyakkan buku)

Wuwun = Turun

Oti, ushuk = Potty, busuk! Siap dengan aksi hidung penyek.

Nom = Jom

Nak akan = nak makan

Nanak = Taknak

Mama, nuk ni! = Mama, tengok ni (overused phrase when excited about something or nak ngadu pasal Ayah/Abang/Kakak)

Aneh= Paneh = Panas

Abehyaaa =  Habis dahhhhh



Scenario 1: When she’s not occupied with something, and in a good mood

Mama: Deena… meh sini kejap sayang.

Adreena: Otei Mama (Okay Mama)


When she’s occupied with something, or mood not so good.

Mama: Deena, meh sini kejap sayang.

Adreena: Japppppppp… (sekejap)

Mama: Deena.. come la….

Adreena: Kojappppp (kejap, half nogorian la katakan)


Scenario 2: When she looks a little tired

Mama: Deena penat ye?

Adreena: Onekkkk (Ponek.. (Penat)) – Ayah ajar


Scenario 3: When someone does something they’re not supposed to do, like tumpahkan air.. or koyakkan buku (sapa lah lagi).. Abang/Kakak will say.. “aaaayok, tak tauuuuuu” while pointing finger at the person.


One day, Adreena tumpahkan air betul2 depan Mama… buat muka terkejut… dan tanpa rasa bersalah, tunjuk kat Mama and said..”Ta ta yokkkkkkkkkk”



Afiq dulu2 panggil susu = Nini

Mariessa dulu2 panggil susu = Ng ng. When she suddenly had a change of heart and wanted chocolate flavoured milk instead, she calls her susu Milo. Not to be mistaken with the real Milo. Itu “Milo sedap” according to her.

Adreena now panggil susu = fufuk. Sometimes uhuk.

Creative people, these kids.

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Sampai2 kat rumah je, Bibik cerita that...

Adreena woke up from her afternoon nap, sat down, gosok2 tangan kat seluar dia, realized that it's wet and said "astag wo ajinnnn" (Astaghfirullah hal azim)...
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
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Yesterday was the 1st day of final exam at LC, so when the kids got home, (I was on leave) I immediately asked:


Mama: Macam mana exam Abang tadi?

Afiq: Sangat bagus, Mama!

Mama: Alhamdulillah… Kakak, Kakak punya exam macam mana?

Mariessa: Alaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. Kakak tak pandai lah! “Minus” tu susah la Mama… Cuba Mama ajar Kakak, nine… minus three…. becomes..?



This morning, before going to work I wished them both luck for exam.

Mama: Afiq, buat exam nanti elok2 k? Jangan lupa baca doa ye?

Afiq: Abang tau… Mula2 baca Robbish Rohli kan.. lepas tu.. Oh Allah, Open my heart… Doa yang tu kan Mama? Mama doakan la Abang dapat one hundred!

Mama: InsyaAllah, Mama doakan.

Afiq: Kalau semuaaaa Abang dapat one hundred, boleh beli kereta Flash and Dash lagi tak Mama? (notice the ‘lagi”?)

Mama: Hmm.. Abang dapatkan dulu semua one hundred k, nanti kita tengok macam mana. *jeling kat Ayah*


Mama: Kakak, nanti kakak jawab exam elok2 k?

Mariessa: Ok Mama. Kakak dah tau dah hari ni nine minus three becomes six! Mesti kakak pandai!



Called them this afternoon to ask how the exam went.

Afiq: Ok je Mama. Bagus mcm semalam.

Mariessa: Entahla, Kakak dah lupa!





AdreenaOctober Adreena yang makin nakal. Brought her for ‘cucuk 3 serangkai’ on Sunday. She didn’t even flinch!

Mama tukang pegang yang lebih2 dup dap dup dap. Esoknya, Mama yang tak larat pegi kerja! Eh?


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If I could skip one day, just ONE day of the year… today would be it.














I was having a very lazy Sunday when Mariessa approached me at 6pm and said:


Mariessa: Mama.. Kakak rasa dah lamaaaaaaaaaa Mama tak buat Donat.

Mama: Ha-ah kan..

Mariessa: Boleh tak Mama buat donat esok? Kakak dah lamaaaaaa tak makan donat.

Mama: Hmmmm…. (nak mencari alasan not to say yes)

Mariessa: Boleh la Mama… Donat Mama buat lah yang paaaaaling sedappppppp dalam dunia tau?

Mama: * cair*… Ok lah.. nanti Mama tengok dulu bahan2 dia ada ke tak k?

Mariessa: Kalau takde, kita suruh Ayah pegi beli kat kedai. Kedai bukak lagi ni, petang ni

Amboi boi boi…..


After checking that all ingredients indeed ada…

Mama: Ok lah.. nanti malam Mama buat… esok pagi Kakak boleh makan k?

Mariessa: Ala… Mama buat lah sekarang…..

Mama: Pulak dah? Tadi kan cakap nak makan esok?

Mariessa: Ye la.. makan pagi esok… tapi Mama buat la sekarang Mama, Kakak tak boleh nak sabar dah ni. *blink blink blink buat muka kesian"*

Mama: Ok lah, Ok lah… Mama buat sekarang…



From 3 cups of flour… I’ve said this before and I’ll say this again… Raised dough makes me happy! :)



Before goreng. I love them small like this. Easy for the kids.


This morning…



I made half of the dough into this: Burger Malaysia, that’s what we call them, kan?

Pukul 10 malam tadi baru buat sambal ikan bilis.



Kanak2 riang dapat donat.. Nampak tu siap nak bawak bekal ke Little Caliphs. :)