We don’t usually bring the kids with us for the prenatal checkups since it’s done on Monday nights – their bedtime is around 8.30pm and I don’t like to change their routine unnecessarily, plus I treat it like a date night for Shahril and I. :) But since it’s school holidays, we brought them along last Monday night.
Went to register first before Maghrib without the kids, so that we could get an early number and lucky us, we were the first for that night. Lepas register, went for a quick dinner, solat… and went back to KPMC. kebetulan pulak Dr A came early too.. so we were called in at 7.45 instead of 8pm.
Afiq and Mariessa were excited to have a look at the baby, Adreena looked rather scared. Takut kena cucuk kot. Hehe.
Bila Dr A checked blood pressure:
Adreena: Mama… Mama akit tak? Mama otey tak? (repeat 3 times) :P Penat Mama jawab.
Bila Dr A suruh baring for the ultrasound.. she looked really scared. Ayah dukung pun tak nak. Last2 nurse yang tolong dukung, dekat2 ngan Mama
Adreena: Mama.. Mama otey tak?
Mama: Mama ok, sayang
Adreena: Mama… Mama owait tak?
Nurse: Apa dia cakap tu?
Mama: Dia tanya.. Mama alright tak.. Heheheh
Nurse: Wah… dah tanya ok.. tanya alright ke tak pulak. Hahahah
Adreena: Mama.. Mama … … … … …. tak?
Mama: tak lah!
Dr. A: What did she say?
Mama: Entah doctor, saya pun tak tau. Saya jawab je.. hehehe
Afiq just looked at the screen, transfixed.
Mariessa looked at me, worried.
Alhamdulillah.. semuanya OK. Blood test result was ok, so was the urine test. Alhamdulillah. Next checkup will be a week before christmas, InsyaAllah.
Balik rumah,
Afiq: Mama.. Abang tak faham la tengok TV ada baby tadi! Abang tak nampak pun muka dia!
Mama: Memang la sayang, baby kecik sgt lagi.. susah lagi kita nak tengok
Mariessa: Mama.. baby gerak2 tak? Mama sakit tak?
Mama: Tak.. baby dah tido kot.
Mariessa: Kenapa baby asyik kena tidoooooo je? Dia tak boring ke asyik tido je dalam perut Mama?
I foresee many many more questions coming in the next 6 months. :)