Pernah tak jumpa orang yang tatkala menggunakan tetikus komputernya akan mengangkat-angkat tetikus tersebut setiap kali hendak menggerakkan tetikus tersebut?

Ohhh…. biar saya beritahu anda (let me tell you), selepas seminit…. bunyi tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap itu teramatlah menyakitkan hati.

Cuba lah kalau tak percaya, nescaya anda akan merasa sakit hati terhadap diri sendiri, ini kan pula kalau orang lain yang berbuat begitu! Cuba lah!

Sekarang, terpaksa saya mendengar lagu2 Maher Zain untuk menenangkan hati saya yang panas lagi berapi ini.

Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap….


4 Responses
  1. la Signora Says:

    Ah, ye old familliar 'tap tap tap tap tap'.When I was a kuli korporat with Tidak Mungkin Berhad, working 8-9 hours straight in front of the computer made me a professional when handling very stubborn 'tetikus'.One of my tactics (I have 5) includes stroking it gently with my right forefinger and whisper sweet nothi...wait, wrong story.

    Dah sekian.Bai.

  2. Serene Says:


    baru je nak berdebar2 baca your cerita........ wrong story?? aiyakkkkk!!!! :P

    I can understand (sikit je, x byk) if the mouse is a stubborn one... BUT he was using MY mouse (he was konon2 trying to help installing something on my notebook), and my mouse is not in the least stubborn tau? Tuuuu lah yang buat sakit hati tu. I was on the edge of getting up and leave my desk while he was doing it dah! Nak je sound dia... rosak laaaa my mouse ni you hentak2 like that. Adoi!

  3. momster Says:

    have not come across ppl like that, thank god! ;)

  4. Serene Says:


    I think dulu2 when we use the mouse with the ball inside tu.. (can't recall what's the term for it)... i noticed ramai la jugak suka hentak2 mouse like that especially with 'stubborn' ones like Lisa said.. ;) , but now with optical mouse...? I don't see the point in doing so. :)

    Pity his mouse!