After this ordeal back in 2009, I was conviced that I would never, ever, EVER go down that road again. Tak kira la penat macam mana pun, rumah berselerak macam mana pun, serikkkk sgt rasa nak ber-maid lagi.
Tapi tu lah. Kadang kadang Allah has another plan for us kan?
Since I started sending the kids (Conchies as Ngah calls them – to geng-kan dengan her Monchies) to the nursery, as expected… selalu lah diorg kena selsema lah… demam lah… batuk lah.. adaaaaa je. So much so, sampai naik risau jugak lah saya kalau2 anak dah lebih quota nak ke klinik as covered by the Company’s Insurance. No more than 24 visits per yer, per child – that’s the limit.
Then in April… just before his 5th birthday Afiq was admitted for his asthma. Padahal, the last time he was admitted was when he was just a year old.
And just 4 days after his 5th birthday, he was admitted for this pulak.
I thought… oooookayyyyyyy….
Then in July… Mariessa pulak…..
So Shahril & I thought, enough is enough lah. Kesian tengok anak2 yang tak habis2 sakitnya.
So, nak tak nak… here we are. Down that road again. Hopefully, this road won’t lead us to the same place we fell before. InsyaAllah.
So Bibik, as we call her… or BibikTwo whenever Ngah’s Bibik (BibikOne) is around, arrived together with BibikOne on Saturday October 2nd. BibikTwo is a good friend of BibikOne, and although that does not guarantee anything solid, I am hoping that they are ‘2 birds of a feather flock together’ kinda friends. Hopefully.
Alhamdulillah, today is the 14th day she’s been with us, and so far everything has been good. Syukur Alhamdulillah. Harap2 berterusan mcm ni.
Panjang pulak mukaddimah. Sebenarnya nak cerita pasal anak2. Hehe.
So….. since kids are at home now instead of the nursery, macam2 lah dah ceritanya. :)
I’m happy that I can just call home any time I feel like talking to the kids. The first few days tu, I called.. Mariessa memang happy lah. Masuk je 2nd week ni, dah macam2. 2 days ago when I called, as soon as she heard my voice she said, “Ohhh Mama ke yang telepon, kakak nak Ayah!” Chisssss… Hehehe. Selang 2-3 minit, she said. “Mama, mama jangan la telepon sekawang.. kakak nak main ‘basikel’ ni!”
Semalam it was “Mama… kenapa Mama telepon ni? Kakak nak tengok tv ni tauuuu!”
And just 5 minutes ago, Shahril called to say that Mariessa has already made plans for all of us this evening. “Ayah, petang nanti.. Ayah, Mama, Abang, Kakak, ‘Adeena’ dengan Bibik, semuaaaaaaaaa kena pegi pasar malam k?” KENA pegi ok? :)
Pagi2 semalam, before Afiq went to school, dah bergaduhhhhh 2 beradik tu berebutkan basikal yang satu. Entah angin baik hati manaaaa pulak melanda Shahril (hehe), maka petang semalam.. terusssss dibelikan satu lagi basikal untuk Mariessa pulak. Basikal yang sedia ada tu was Afiq’s 3rd birthday present two years ago.
Dah tentulah basikal ni Mariessa pilih sendiri. Menepati semua piawaian yang ditetapkan ok? Ada rambu ramba kat handle, ada bakul, ada pulak loceng bentuk itik bertenggek atas handle dia tu. Oh and the MOST important criteria.. of course lah the colour! Tak payah teka pun dah tau colour apa tak ke? Hehe
Apa je yang tak pink??
Afiq ada sikitttt lah rasa tak puas hati… “kenapa basikal Kakak lagi besarrrrr daripada basikal Abang?” – Alamak!

Eh, yang kecik pun mana boleh kalah! Nampak Adreena dah besar dalam gambar ni kan?
Heran dia tengok Abang ngan Kakak excited benor!
Memang dah besarrrr pun actually. :). She’ll be 1 in a month’s time, wow!
-- Pagi2 tadi dah dengar Mariessa kasik warning kat Afiq… “Abang, abang tauuuu tak… kalau boy kan… tak boleh tau naik ‘basikel’ girl! Girl je boleh naik ‘basikel’ warna pink tau!”.