  • It’s been an interesting week. Road is clearer than usual in the morning, but I see accident almost every morning. Langgar sampai bumper jatuh, kemalangan maut on Grand Saga on Wednesday morning and a flaming van on Cheras roundabout this morning.


  • Today is the last day of work for year 2011. Not that it makes any difference to me, really.


  • I am turning 34 in exactly in 4 days, InsyaAllah. A year wiser, Amin! :)


  • Orientation for Afiq’s primary school will be held on January 3rd. There’ll be some kind of an assessment test as well. I am naturally nervous about this. People told me not to worry. Akak told me I’m just putting pressure on Afiq, hehe. Isn’t that what mothers are supposed to do anyway? Hehehe


  • So far, we have only brought 2 pairs of school uniform for Afiq. Itu pun beli kat Jelebu. Lepas tu konon2 nak tengok harga kat KL (Mydin/Tesco etc). Tapi bila tengok, jauh lebih mahal. And what’s the hype about Canggih? The ones I bought at Jelebu cost me only RM8.50 per piece (white shirt) and RM17 for a dark blue pants. Cotton of good quality, can’t remember the brand. Bila tengok baju2 lain RM20 and above, rasa tak berbaloi nak beli. So, we’re going back to Jelebu tomorrow to buy 3 more pairs. Boleh ambik buah2an sekali.. I don’t eat durian, but Shahril, kids and Bibik love it.


  • Mariessa will resume at Little Caliphs on the 5th of January. Agak risau nak bagi anak dara sorang ni naik van without Afiq. But what can I do, kan?


  • We have successfully transferred Adreena to sleep in her own room since 2 weeks ago, thanks with the help of a baby monitor (thanks MomsterNins !). Dah 3 orang anak.. baru la nak invest in a baby monitor. Hehe. 2 nights after that, we transferred Afiq to his own room, separating him from the girls. His only complaint is, there’s no air-cond in his room. Looks like an air-cond (or 2 – one for the living room, hehe. Alang2 kan?) is making a comeback into our to-buy-list.


  • Oh, we are now Unifi-ed! :D TV has been on Boboiboy Youtube almost non stop, except last night. Shahril watched Maharaja lawak. :P I was happily and peacefully watching Castle on Astro downstairs. Yey


  • On the work front, I am recently given a new jobscope. One that’s finally making me feel more useful – as I said to the new boss. I hope to achieve what is expected of me (and more). At least when I leave, I’ll leave happy. (This leaving topic, is another matter that shall be discussed on another day. :) )


  • A question for mothers who have schooling children: What do you give them for bekal, if you do…and how much duit belanja do you give them? Can I just bekalkan Afiq with.. say a corn bun, an apple and bekal air? Kat kantin sekolah jual apa and what is the price range for kids’ food these days?


  • Another question: Anybody knows where I can donate clothes? I have plenty tapi tak tau nak hantar ke mana.

Dah 2-3 hari, mood utk me-roti tiba2 datang balik. Tapi since whipping cream is an item I don’t normally have readily at home, makanya niat agak terbantut la sikit. 2 days ago, bila pegi kedai, ada yang 1L aje. Punya la banyak, resepi guna 150ml je. So tangguh lagi sekali. Semalam bila singgah di Giant, baruuuu la jumpa. A small box of 200ml.


The recipe is everywhere on the net, actually. I copied mine  from here.


Hokkaido Milky Loaf
original recipe taken from Angie

1. 540gm Bread flour
2. 60gm cake flour
3. 10gm Instant yeast (the packet I used was 11gm)
4. 30gm Milk Powder (cilok susu Adreena, hehe)
5. 80gm sugar
6. 9gm salt
7. 1 large egg (since I dont have large ones, I used 2 small ones but the 2nd egg yolk I kept for the egg wash later)
8. 250gm fresh milk( I used Low fat Milk)
9. 150gm whipping cream.


I dumped everything into the breadmaker. (Always starting with the liquids  followed by the flour etc). Just remember not to mix the yeast and salt together as this might affect the yeast. At least that’s what I read. :). What I usually do is, put the yeast at one corner and salt at the other corner. Set the function to no 8 on Kenwood BM and wait for 90 minutes.


After 90 minutes:


Hokkaido5 Seronok tengok doh dah naik kembanggggggggggg macam ni. Bangga, bangga.. walaupun sesungguhnya saya tiada kena mengena dalam proses pengembangan tersebut.

Lepas tu, keluarkan. Tumbuk2 untuk keluarkan angin2 and bahagikan kepada 6. I actually weighed the whole thing first so senang nak bahagikan. Kalau by visual aje, mesti ada terkecik terbesar kang. The whole dough beratnya 1200g.. so senang la nak bahagi. Congak, jangan tak congak. :P


Then roll and fold it as shown in this link.


I put the first 3 portions into a loaf pan, like so:



Yang lagi 3 tu.. since I only have one loaf pan, kena la letak dalam bekas lain. I divided them further into 6.. and rolled/folded macam tadi, and arranged them like so:



The next thing to do is wait until the doh naik double, that takes about 30 minutes.



After 30 minutes, gini la jadinya.


Lepas tu, sapukan dengan egg wash (2 tablespoon of milk + 1 egg yolk, kacau2 sikit)


HokkaidoWashed Ni dah di-egg washed kan. :D


Pastu masukkan lah dalam oven (yang dah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu). 180 C for about 30 minutes, kata resepi.


HokkaidoOven I set mine at 170C.

Tunggu lagi 30 minutes sambil tengok James Bond. :) By the way, I still think Pierce Brosnan is the most handsome Bond ever.


HokkaidoDone Bila oven dah bunyi ‘ting!’.. cepat2 la lari ke dapur and take them out.

Bukan lari sebab takut hangus, tapi sebab excited and sementara Bond tengah berhenti for iklan.



Take them out and biarkan sejuk sebelum diuji kesedapannya. Sabar…




Bila agak2 dah sejuk.. ataupun tak sabar lagi dah… sila lah jenguk ke bahagian dalam roti untuk tengok betapa menjadinya roti tadi. :D




And finally, when sliced.

My verdict – sedap! Lembut, although mine did not really turn out as cottony as the recipe said it would be, but still soft. In fact, I believe this is the softest bread I’ve ever made so far. I would prefer it kalau manis sikittttt lagi. Tak tau la kalau kurang manis tu mungkin sebab saya guna Low Fat Milk instead of Fresh Milk ke.

The next time I bake this, I’m thinking of putting in perasa butterscotch and maybe add some raisins. Kalau benar lah apa yang di fikirkan, maybe la nanti ada rasa2 Gardenia’s butterscotch yang sedap itu. Bila plain mcm ni, it tastes more like Potato bread. Yummy nonetheless!


Begitulah seadanya. ;)


So on Monday Shahril & I went for the prenatal checkup.

I was more nervous and excited than usual, because at 21 weeks, it was highly possible that we would be knowing the baby’s gender. We decided not to bring the kids with us this time sebab 1. we anticipated ramai org and 2. if it’s going to be a girl, I KNOWWWWW I have a lot of explainations to do to Afiq and Mariessa time2 tu jugak. Haha. Karang make a scene pulak tak pasal2 dalam bilik doktor.

We were finally called at about 8.45 or so. Dr A starts her duty at 8 but the first patient took so long, I think she was with Dr A for more than half an hour! We were the 3rd to be called in.

Masa tgh buat ultrasound:


Dr A: Kita dah tengok gender ke last time?

Me: No, not yet. I’m hoping we can see it tonight.

Dr. A: Ok…. let me see…..


Dr. A: Ok.. that’s the heart… let’s measure the head first….

Dup… dap… dup… dap…

Dr. A: Haaa…. can you see that? Do you see what I see?

Me: Is that what I think it is?

Dr. A: I think so. See? That thing sticking out?


She then proceeded with other measurements…


Me: Doctor.. Confirm ye? Are you really, really sure?

Dr. A: Ok.. Kita check lagi sekali ok? I’ll show you..

Me: Yes please..

Dr. A: Haaa.. tu… that one is the tali pusat…. yang niiiiiii… definitely a penis.

Me: Alhamdulillah…


Agaknya sebab saya 2-3 kali tanya sure ke tak… bila nak print the image out, siap Dr. A tuliskan XY lagi. Hehe



Can you spot the XY?


Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. I almost cried then. We are truly, truly blessed. I looked at Shahril and I swear he was beaming!


رَبِّ أَوْزِعْنِي أَنْ أَشْكُرَ نِعْمَتَكَ الَّتِي أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيَّ وَعَلَى وَالِدَيَّ وَأَنْ أَعْمَلَ صَالِحًا تَرْضَاهُ وَأَصْلِحْ لِي فِي ذُرِّيَّتِي إِنِّي تُبْتُ إِلَيْكَ وَإِنِّي مِنَ الْمُسْلِمِينَ


“Ya Tuhanku, tunjukilah aku untuk mensyukuri nikmat Engkau yang telah Engkau berikan kepadaku dan kepada ibu bapaku dan supaya aku dapat berbuat amal yang soleh yang Engkau redhai; berilah kebaikan kepadaku dengan (memberi kebaikan) kepada anak cucuku. Sesungguhnya aku bertaubat kepada Engkau dan sesungguhnya aku termasuk orang-orang yang berserah diri”. (Q.S. Al-Ahqaf : 15)

By the time we got home, the kids were already asleep, so tak dapat lah nak share the news. The next morning baru bagitau. Their reactions?

Afiq: Baby boy kan, Ma?

Mariessa: Mestiiiii lah baby boy! Kan Kakak dah cakap kat Mama? Mama dah tau ke nama dia apa?

(Agaknya dia ingat boleh nampak nama baby sekali apa, dalam perut Mama tu? :P)

Kesimpulannya, their reaction was something along the line of “tell us something we didn’t already know” lah sambil roll eyes. Haha. Mama je excited nak break the news, padahal in their minds, they had no doubt that it’s going to be a baby boy. :)



“…Kemudian apabila kamu telah membulatkan tekad, maka bertawakallah kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah menyukai orang-orang yang bertawakal kepada-Nya".


"…When you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allah. Indeed Allah loves those who rely (upon Him)"




Normally on the nights that we have prenatal checkup, Shahril & I would have our dinner before seeing Dr. A but tonight we decided to postpone our dinner until after.

So after the checkup, we went to a kedai mamak and I ordered cheese & garlic naan with tandoori chicken while Shahril asked for nasi goreng kampung.

My order arrived about 10 minutes later, so we shared that first. Tiba2 datang sorang makcik jual kerepek2. Without really looking at her, I gave her my default reaction which was geleng2 kepala and cakap terima kasih. Entah kenapa, malam ni lepas buat macam tu, terasa menyesal pulak. Tapi by the time nak panggil makcik tu semula, she had disappeared.

So I silently prayed: kalau sungguh la rezeki makcik tu and mine, I prayed that she would come back to our table.

Shahril's order came very late. Naan dah habis 10 minit agaknya, baruuuu la nasi goreng sampai. Shahril habis je makan nasi goreng tu, tiba2 makcik tu datang semula. Alhamdulillah, sukanya hati saya! Cepat2 saya panggil makcik tu.

She came to our table...bila saya pandang aje muka makcik tu, MasyaAllah! Berderau darah saya!


There was something about her face that reminded me of Ummi. I don't know what it was exactly. Maybe it was the way she smiled or the soft way she was talking to me or maybe it was her sad eyes. For a few seconds, I just looked at her, mesmerized.

With tears in my eyes, I handed her some money for the kerepek I bought.

Then it hits me: today is December 19th, which means tomorrow would be Ummi's 63rd birthday.

Semoga Ummi tenang di sana, Mi. Doa Uda tak pernah putus putus buat Ummi.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Tonight, earlier than her usual bedtime while I was watching TV Adreena came to me, rubbed her eyes and asked for “fufuk” (susu). Ini kira menyerah diri untuk tidur lah ni.


So, I made her ‘fufuk’, took her upstairs and laid beside her waiting for her to finish her milk and fell asleep. As always, I just closed my eyes, pretended I was asleep. Kalau tak buat macam tu… panjang la sembangnya Adreena ni. After 5 minutes or so, I turned towards her, saw that she was just playing with her hands.


Put on my hand on her forehead, caressed her hair and then her eyes just closed and she fell asleep.


And that, makes me feel like I have superpowers or something. :)


We sent the kids to 443 last week for them to spend time with Atok and their cousins. They were really excited about it, tapi Mama as usual terlebih nervous. Hehe. Ayah cool lah macam biasa.. :P


Between the  5 of them (Kitreena, Edrick, Afiq, Mariessa and Adreena) and the two Bibiks, they had PS2, PS3, 2 IPods and Disney Channels all ready. Kids these days eh? Itu pun sempat diorg demand Uncle Lang belikan 2 bijik bola lagi! On the very first day they were there pulak tu. Macam2.


We sent them to 443 on Sunday and promised them we’ll come and pick them up the next Saturday. Baruuuuuuuu aje sampai kat 443.. Afiq terus tanya…”Mama, bila Mama Ayah nak balik Kajang?” Hish, tak sabar2.. kecikkkkkkkkkkk hati Mama.. :P


Shahril and I arrived in Kajang at 5pm, then it rained sooo heavily sampai Astro tak available. Out of boredom, I cooked dinner, lepas tu dah tak tau nak buat apa. Shahril tido. Men! :P Tinggal la saya sorang terkebil2…baru je sekejap dah mati kutu.


So that was a longggggggg 5 days for us. :) Sempat lah tengok Ombak Rindu (the 2 of us), Breaking Dawn (just me) and a few James Bond movies lama2 now playing on HBO. I have to admit that I’ve never watched any Bond movies earlier than Pierce Brosnan’s time, so they were actually… entertaining. Kelakar la tengok movie orang dulu2. Macam kartun pun ada, haha.


I called the kids a few times a day when they were at 443. One time I called at 8.30am, Afiq picked up the phone and told me that dia belum mandi lagi pagi tu which was quite surprising sebab selalunya pukul 7 diorg ni dah siap mandi. When I asked why…”Afiq sibuk main la Mama.. Mandi tu kejap2 lagi lah”. Hehehe..  Entah apa yang sibuk sgt entah.


On the 3rd night, Mariessa asked, “Mama.. Mama nak ambik Kakak hari ni ke?” Mama pun berbunga2 lah hati kan, anak rindu kat Mama… Bila I told her it’s going to be another 3 days… she answered, “Ohhh.. lagi 3 hari…Kakak ingatkan hari ni. Nasib baik bukan!” Nasib baik okay? Haiiii lah anak!


Adreena je la yang rajin nak cakap ngan Mama nya. I don’t understand most of what she’s saying but that’s not the point. :). By the 5th day though, her first question would be..”Mama, Mama nak apaaaaaa?”. Hehe



Adreena practising batu seremban coached by Atok.

They had a tournament on the 2nd last day they were there organized by ‘anke yam’ (Uncle Lang). :)


I’m glad we decided to send the kids over to 443. They obviously had so much fun! Tapi limit memang 5 hari tu lah, kalau lama2 sangat nanti jemu (Mama yang tak tahan sebenarnya, rindu!) Now that they’re back in Kajang, the house is alive again Alhamdulillah. :)



Afiq trying out his new school uniform. Big boy sudah. :)

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Afiq called.


Afiq: Mama… Abang ada satu idea lah.

Mama: Idea? Idea apa?

Afiq: Mama nak dengar tak idea Abang?

Mama: Mestilah Mama nak dengar. Idea pasal apa ni?

Afiq: Biar Abang terangkan. Pasal nama baby.

Mama: Oh… nama baby. Hari tu kan kata nak letak nama Alex?

Afiq: Ha-ah. Tapi Abang dapat idea baru lah. Tak nak lah nama Alex.

Mama: Ok.. so idea yang baru ni, nak letak nama apa?

Afiq: Hmmm…. Boleh tak…. kalau kita letak nama baby……………Junior?

Mama: Haaa? Junior??

Afiq: Ha-ah la.. Junior. Sedap la nama Junior tu!

Mama: Mana abang dapat idea ni?

Afiq: Hehehehe.. Adaaaa lah!


For the record, after much persuasion, I found out where he got the name Alex from. At first I thought it was Alex of Madagascar… (that’s the only Alex I know anyway)





Rupa rupanyaaaaaaaaaa…….



Alex from Nada Cinta.

Aiyayaiiii…. Hehehe. I’ve never watched Nada Cinta ni, I think budak2 ni tengok sebab Bibik tengok. It’s a musical drama, so byk2 nyanyi.. suka la diorang. Ngan Adreena2 sekali terlopong tengok selalunya. (Nasib baik hensem. Muahaha)


Junior ni.. tak tau la mana dtg ideanya pulak. :)



Gambar selingan.. Adreena mmg suka nyanyi2.. This is her imitating an Idola Kecil contestant. Hebat tak hebat microphone dia!


I made this cake for Adreena’s birthday last weekend (the entry on that soon, InsyaAllah). The cake turned out to be really good, so I thought I should put the recipe here so that I’ll have a reference for next time. (I’ve been so disorganized lately with my recipes. *sigh*)


The cake recipe is from TTM who got it from Mak Lang Azie. :)


Ingredients (A) :
2 cups flour (I used self raising flour)
3/4 cups cocoa powder
2 teaspoons bicarbonate soda
2 teaspoons baking powder

Ingredients (B) :
2 cups castor sugar ( I reduced this to about 1.5 cups)
1 cup evaporated milk (I used fresh milk)
1 cup cooking oil or melted butter
1 cup lukewarm water
1 tablespoon chocolate emulco
3 eggs

Method :
1. Sift together all ingredients in A. Set aside.
2. Mix well all ingredients in B.
3. Pour ingredients B into A and mix well.
4. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for 50 minutes to 1 hour. Oven temperature and time of baking may differ.


Note: The mix is pretty ‘cair’ for a cake. I contemplated on adding some more flour but in the end decided not to. Nasib baik! The cake turned out just nice and moist. :)


For the choc sauce, I used this recipe (sebab senang and malas nak gi beli krim macam most choc sauce recipes require)


Utk choc ganache:

150gm coklat masakan
1 sudu besar susu pekat
1/4 cawan air panas/susu cair
1 sudu besar butter

Untuk membuat choc ganache: masukkan coklat masakan yg dipotong kecil2, susu pekat dan air panas/susu cair kedalam periuk dan masaklah cara double boiler hingga cair. Padam kan api dan masukkan mentega. Kacau hingga mentega cair. Biarkan seketika supaya ganache tak terlalu cair masa curah atas kek.



Errr.. I didn’t wait long enough masa nak curah ganache tu.. Tu la cair semacam.. pastu sayang pulak nak transfer ke bekas lain, sebab ganache tu sedap. Hehe

Amateur baker, mcm ni la. :P


We don’t usually bring the kids with us for the prenatal checkups since it’s done on Monday nights – their bedtime is around 8.30pm and I don’t like to change their routine unnecessarily, plus I treat it like a date night for Shahril and I. :)  But since it’s school holidays, we brought them along last Monday night.


Went to register first before Maghrib without the kids, so that we could get an early number and lucky us, we were the first for that night. Lepas register, went for a quick dinner, solat… and went back to KPMC. kebetulan pulak Dr A came early too.. so we were called in at 7.45 instead of 8pm.


Afiq and Mariessa were excited to have a look at the baby, Adreena looked rather scared. Takut kena cucuk kot. Hehe.


Bila Dr A checked blood pressure:


Adreena: Mama… Mama akit tak? Mama otey tak? (repeat 3 times) :P Penat Mama jawab.


Bila Dr A suruh baring for the ultrasound.. she looked really scared. Ayah dukung pun tak nak. Last2 nurse yang tolong dukung, dekat2 ngan Mama


Adreena: Mama.. Mama otey tak?

Mama: Mama ok, sayang

Adreena: Mama… Mama owait tak?

Nurse: Apa dia cakap tu?

Mama: Dia tanya.. Mama alright tak.. Heheheh

Nurse: Wah… dah tanya ok.. tanya alright ke tak pulak. Hahahah

Adreena: Mama.. Mama … … … …  ….  tak?

Mama: tak lah!

Dr. A: What did she say?

Mama: Entah doctor, saya pun tak tau. Saya jawab je.. hehehe


Afiq just looked at the screen, transfixed.

Mariessa looked at me, worried.


Alhamdulillah.. semuanya OK. Blood test result was ok, so was the urine test. Alhamdulillah. Next checkup will be a week before christmas, InsyaAllah.


Balik rumah,

Afiq: Mama.. Abang tak faham la tengok TV ada baby tadi! Abang tak nampak pun muka dia!

Mama: Memang la sayang, baby kecik sgt lagi.. susah lagi kita nak tengok

Mariessa: Mama.. baby gerak2 tak? Mama sakit tak?

Mama: Tak.. baby dah tido kot.

Mariessa: Kenapa baby asyik kena tidoooooo je? Dia tak boring ke asyik tido je dalam perut Mama?


I foresee many many more questions coming in the next 6 months. :)

Mariessa: Mama, apa nama baby dalam perut Mama?
Mama: Baby belum ada nama lagi, sayang.
Mariessa: Haaaaa? Kenapa baby takde nama lagi?
Mama: Sebab kita belum tau lagi baby ni girl ke boy.
Afiq: Mesti lah boy! Abang dah tau dah nak letak nama apa kat baby boy.
Mama: Iye? Abang nak letak nama apa?
Afiq: Alex!
Mama: Alex?
Afiq: Ha-ah! A.L.E.X ejaan dia, tau Mama?

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Today marks the last day of Afiq at Little Caliphs. I kinda overlooked this fact, so malam tadi baru kelam kabut beli kertas elok2 sikit for the kids to make Thank You cards to be given to their teachers.


Told him that it’s going to be his last day today at Little Caliphs. He just shrugged..”Abang tau.. lepas tu Abang cuti forty one days kan? Lepas tu Abang masuk Sekolah Kebangsaan kan?”. So I reminded him to make sure he salam2 all the teachers and his friends today before coming home. (Mama yang melancholic semacam, anaknya rilekkkkk je)


He called me kejap tadi…

Afiq: Mama.. Abang dah faham. Abang dah last day kan kat Little Caliphs? Lepas ni Abang tak pegi situ dah kan? (He actually sounded a little mellow)

Mama: Ya sayang. Abang bagi tak card tadi kat teachers?

Afiq: Bagi… Mama.. Abang nak tanya, boleh? (When he said ‘tanya’.. sometimes it doesn’t necessarily means he wants to ask a question, it’s just his way of saying he wants to say something)

Mama: Boleh….

Afiq: Tapi Abang rasa sedih sikit lah.

Mama: Kenapa Abang sedih? (Mama syahdu dah time ni)

Afiq: Tapi nanti Abang tak dapat la jumpa semua kawan kawan Abang… Abang takde kawan lah macam ni! Nanti Abang boring tau?

Mama: Takpe la.. nanti bila Abang masuk Sekolah Kebangsaan, boleh kenal ramaiiiiii kawan lagi, k?

Afiq: Hmmmm… OK lah, Mama.


I guess, it finally dawned on him eh?




My little caliph. :)

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Last night while going through Mariessa’s writing book,


Afiq: Mama… Tulisan Kakak ni macam cakar harimau kan?

Mama: Cakar harimau? Hahahahahahhaha…… Bukan harimau lah sayang….

Afiq: Eh silap! Cakar ayam kan, Mama?


That was really funny, if only he knows what cakar harimau means. :D


Afiq’s bahasa has always impressed me, albeit a little ‘text book’. I didn’t know he has started using peribahasa though… so his attempt at cakar ayam was an impressive one nonetheless. Of course, this should not be too surprising coming from a boy who says sentences like:


1. Biar Abang beri penjelasan pada Mama…

2. Boleh tak Mama terangkan kat Abang…

3. Terlalu sedap lah, Mama….  (referring to cakes or muffins made by Mama, ehem!)

Zebra Cake Selingan: a cake I made yesterday. I wanted a plain butter cake, Afiq insisted on a chocolate cake. So I told him, let’s compromise! ;).

He loves it! Ate 2 slices right after I took it out from the oven. (He wanted more, I said No. :D)


4. Sempurna! (after we sent his bicycle for repair)



Adreena is talking a lot more too. Kadang2 rasa terkejut, from just some random baby’s babbles, now she has moved to almost full sentences.


Contoh terbaru this morning, I went to the toilet just before leaving for work. Dia pun sibuk laaaa ketuk2 pintu & panggil “Mama! Mama! Mama wat pe tuuuuuuuuuuuu”. Terbantut hajat Mama tau! The moment I stepped out of the toilet je… terus dia tanya..

Adreena: Mama uti? Ape Mama uti? (Mama potty? Kenapa Mama potty?).

Mama: Mama sakit perut la dik…

Adreena: Mama uti.. akit yuyut?


Heheheh.. Still la abundance of ‘y’ nya.. 

boya = bola

koyah = sekolah

tutah = susah (when asked to do something too difficult for her, or she’s just too lazy to do it.. :P )

abiuuuu = i love you


A few days ago, while she was sitting on my lap

Mama: Macam mana Deena sayang baby?

* she immediately bent down and kissed my tummy*

Deena (buncitkan perut ke depan, point to her tummy): Mama… tayang baby!



I’ve been wanting to write about Little Caliphs’ concert last week, but there are just too many pictures to choose from. :) Will get to it soon, InsyaAllah. In the meantime.. let me just put a video of Mariessa’s performance on that day. One that took us by surprise, sebab we didn’t know she was going to co-lead the performance. The quality isn’t so good, though so please bear with it. Enjoy the show!



For days she was telling me she was going to do a ‘bey-han’ show.. but I could not figure out what ‘bey-han’ was. Bila tengok the agenda of the concert baru lah tahu… “Bey-han” = Bear Hunt. Hehe

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On Friday morning, while most people were making a big fuss about the date 11.11.11, I was at home ‘nursing’ my nausea (among other things) which didn’t seem to lessen eventhough I’m already in the (much awaited) 2nd trimester. At about 10am,  I received a frantic call from a colleague…


A: Ainil, ko dah dengar berita belum?

Me: Berita apa??? 

Terduduk rasanya bila dapat berita yang memang tak disangka sangka. A dear, dear friend passed away while in labor that very morning due to birth complications. Her baby – her 3rd child, the first girl after 2 boys, didn’t make it too.


She was my ‘pumping’ buddies. I was pumping for Adreena back in 2010 while she was pumping for Luqman who is a few months older than Adreena. Our similar pumping schedule gave us plenty of time to talk about everything under the sun – juggling kids without a maid (I didnt have one then), pasal lecehnyaaaaa kena lipat kain…. issues of breastfeeding, breastpumps.. etc. She was a very easy person to like. In fact, there’s nothing not to ‘not’ like about her. Always smiling. Whenever I go to the surau to pump, mesti check dulu kasut dia ada ke tak kat luar surau. There’s just something about her.


I stopped pumping when I got pregnant in March this year. By then she had stopped pumping too. So, our ‘gossip’ sessions ended too. We seldom see each other in the office, she was seated at the other end and later transferred to another block. When she first found out about this blog of mine, she got very excited! Told me she spent days reading old entries. She loved it when I wrote about my children and told me I inspired her to write about hers too, so she can read about them when they grow older.. but she didn’t know where to start. I’ve never asked if she eventually wrote anything.


I last saw her a few months back. We bumped into each other at the printer (of all places. :) ). She was already pregnant then.


I last spoke to her sometime after Aidilfitri. She called just to catch up, and she was among the first person I shared my news of this pregnancy with. She was of course very happy for me and told me that her doctor had told her she’s expecting a girl, as she had hoped. That call lasted almost half an hour but I certainly didn’t think it was going to be our last chat.


The whole last week I thought of giving her a call, knowing that she’s due in November. I regret not picking up the phone to call her. :(


When I read her FB wall, it’s just amazing to discover that my thoughts of her is very much similar to what her other friends think of her too. Always with a smile on her face, an easy person to work with… and sangat2 menjaga silaturrahim. MasyaAllah… all the qualities I am very much lacking of. There’s a lot to learn from her.


I was told that there were sooooooo many people during her funeral. At the surau and at the kubur. Berpuluh2 kereta! Itu lah tanda2nya bila orang yang baik pergi meninggalkan kita, kan? There were a lot of people yesterday too, when the office organized a ‘majlis bacaan yasin & tahlil’ untuk arwah after work at the office.


It was heart breaking, but I think Allah has given her one of the best endings a woman can have. Mati shahid ketika melahirkan, di pagi hari Jumaat – penghulu segala hari… dan ditemankan puteri cahaya iman (Nurul Iman) di dalam kubur. Semoga roh mereka tenang dan ditempatkan dikalangan orang orang yang beriman. Semoga suaminya Hafidz dan dua anak lelakinya Ikhwan & Luqman dikurniakan kesabaran dan ketabahan untuk menempuh ujian yang sangat hebat ini.


You are and will always be missed, my dear friend.


Al Fatihah buat Allahyahrmah Rozi Hartini Binti Abdul Aziz dan puterinya Nurul Iman.


Her friends wrote about her too here, here and here.


So one day Uncle Fik came over to surprise the kids with one box of crayon each. Suka lah hati masing2 nya…


The first day after receiving the crayons, I came home to Adreena yang kat muka pun penuh dengan contengan crayon nya! Leher pun segala warna ada. Biru? Hijau? Merah? Meriah!


The next day, lepas park kereta depan rumah je, nampak Adreena dah excited kat sliding door.. “Mama, nuk ni! nuk ni!” while pointing at something on the floor.


Masuk2 rumah je… nin dia…………..



Habis carpet jadi mangsa!

Crime took place righttttttttttt in front of Ayah yang sedang membaca suratkhabar, jangan tak tau! :P



Not only dia mengaku menconteng tu, malahan proud of it some more! Hai lah anak.

Tengok tu, makan muffin pun bawak crayon ok?

(Ya, tanda ‘peace’ masih belum menjadi)



Gambar selingan. Choc chips muffin. Comment from muffin boy: “Sungguh sedap sekali, Mama!” :)

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On Friday last week, right after I left home for work, Afiq fell off his new bicycle, luka kat lutut. Besar jugak la lukanya, ada la dekat2 besar coins 50sen rasanya. I did snap a picture of it, tapi sendiri pun ngeri tengok, so tak payah la letak. :)


On Saturday Shahril & I took Adreena alone with us during our monthly shopping trip at Mydin USJ. We figured the kids sometimes need one-to-one attention so Saturday was for Adreena. A few hours after we came home from the shopping trip, Adreena panjat katil, entah mcm mana terjatuh and kepala terkena side table. Meraung tok sah nak cakap la, Shahril pegang2 kepala dia… tiba2 kat tangan ada darah! Huiiiiii.. menyirap darah saya! Panik! Check check check… tengok it was her ear. Luka terkena bucu side table tu agaknya. Tuam sekejap dengan ais, took out our First Aid Kit, put some ubat.. letak kapas and lekat kan kat telinga dia.


AdreenaJatuh1 Lepas habis nangis, minum fufuk sebotol terus tertido



Ni petangnya. Melantun dah. Tu nampak tak terselit lagi kapas kat telinga tu? Dia tak bagi Mama usik telinga dia lagi masa ni.

Teddy bear tu Ayah baru belikan utk Adreena, advanced birthday gift. Ke hulur ke hilir dia usung “Eddy” (short for teddy bear). Bila nak tido pun, dia tepuk2 Eddy dulu suruh Eddy tido. :P


Ahad turn Afiq & Mariessa pulak for some special attention. I sent the boys to watch Real Steel as I feel it was a good father and son movie. (I watched it alone on Friday lepas ambik report card anak2, hehe). Oh Hugh Jackman! :P


Mariessa & I went out for some fun ourselves. Mula2 she requested to go ‘main’. So yang paling senang and dekat… bawak aje ke Playland @ Tesco Kajang.


MariessaPlayland1 Berseri seri mukanya. RM 5 well spent!


Then I took her to Pustaka Rakyat in Bangi, since she loves books so much. Kalau ikut dia, semuaaaaa buku pun dia nak beli. “Yang ni Kakak boleh baca ni, Mama.. Yang ni pun boleh… Ni pun sama…” :P


After an hour or so in the bookstore, Mariessa looked tired. I asked if she wanted to go to the clinic sebab the previous night dia mcm demam sikit, padahal baru je 2 minggu sebelum tu demam and doctor dah bagi pun antibiotic. So we went to the clinic. Told the Doctor that I thought she was wheezing the night before, which is something that has never happened before. Doctor checked and true enough, she was wheezing a little. Terpaksa la guna nebulizer for the first time in her young life.


MariessaNeb She looked tired, kan?


Kids, sementara nak besar, ye tak? :)




Yesterday we took Afiq to the clinic pulak, sebab we need to determine his blood group – salah satu rekod yang sekolah perlukan. For Mariessa and Adreena, it’s written in their birth records, the ones that have their immunization details tu. Yang Afiq, takde tulis pulak. We went to the clinic, the clinic advised us to go to the blood lab instead, lagi cepat dia kata. Plus kalau buat kat klinik, kena ambik banyak darahnya. Kalau buat kat lab tu, they’ll just prick him a little. Nasib baik there’s one betul2 in Kajang town, so we went there.


AfiqBloodTest1 Afiq rilek je masa ni. He’s very good bab2 kena cucuk2 ni. Unlike his Mama. Hehe

(Pictures are taken by Mariessa)


Lepas kena cucuk…

Mama: Sakit tak bang?

Afiq: Hmm.. Abang rasa macam kena sepit je Mama!


That’s my boy! ;)



MariessaAfiqBloodTest Mariessa dah pucat dah masa ni, takut dia pulak next. Hehe. Ni memang ikut Mama bab2 kena cucuk.


Alhamdulillah, dah tau dah blood group Afiq. We now have all the info we need for the ‘Borang Maklumat Murid’, Alhamdulillah.

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Alhamdulillah, I am now entering the 14th week of my pregnancy. I’ve been wanting to share this news with the world, but considering what happened previously, I thought I should wait until it’s a little more ‘safe’ to do so – as babycenter puts it: “your risk of miscarriage is now much lower than earlier in pregnancy” – Alhamdulillah, it’s exactly what I needed to hear.


For the record, this is actually my 6th pregnancy: Afiq (I think I did write about it in my old blog. Unfortunately I don’t remember the URL. How silly. Who forgets the URL of her own blog? Aduh!).. Then miscarriage No 1, Mariessa, Adreena, and then miscarriage No 2. Although the ‘critical’ time is over, I am praying hard that this time it will be smooth sailing, InsyaAllah.


As this will probably be my last pregnancy (one can only plan, ;) ), I am hoping to jot down this experience as much as I can for my own remembrance. Better late than never, ye tak?


We found out about this pregnancy on the 2nd morning of Eid this year. I was waiting for the monthly visit towards the end of Ramadhan, but it didn’t come. It just so happened that our car’s battery ‘died’ on the 1st of Eid, so Shahril was forced to go to town to get a replacement. Alang2 ke town, I asked him to buy me the HPT kit, just to be sure. True enough, it came out positive. Alhamdulillah. So we shared the news with my family over breakfast. Nobody had expected it judging by the gaping mouths and momentary silence. Haha.


I’ve always said that I want to stop ‘producing’ by the age of 35 and Alhamdulillah I’ll be 34 next year. Cepat setahun pencen is indeed a bonus. ;)


Dalam pada cepat setahun pun, I feel really, really old this time around. My energy level during pregnancy is totally different than the previous ones. I am so lah lembiknya this time. Nausea is much worse than I remember and the fatigue? Oh my God, horrible! Of course this convinces me more that this will and should be my last.


We started seeing the gynae at week 6. This time I decided to see Dr A and she has been as informative as I hoped, Alhamdulillah. She prescribed me with Duphaston as a precaution since the beginning and so far so good! :)


In the beginning, when people around me (mostly colleagues) started knowing about my pregnancy, their reaction would be. “Hah? LAGI?”… followed by… “Yang kecik tu umur berapa?”… and lastly..”oooo… dah 2 tahun, ingatkan kecik lagi”. The most dramatic reaction was from a guy.. When told that I am expecting, he slumped in his chair and said..”laaaagi? Hui! Pengsan!” I have absolutely NO idea why he feels the need to pengsan though.


Anyway, last night was my 3rd checkup with Dr. A. I, who gets nervous and excited for all petty reasons possible, was of course nervous and excited. :P. Ye lah, Dr A in the last checkup herself said… “Kalau by 14 weeks nanti semua ok, InsyaAllah… everything will be alright”.




So, here’s baby A.. at 14 weeks.

Dr A measured the head, the backbone and also the hip. Everything looks perfect! Alhamdulillah.


The calculated EDD given by Dr. A is May 4th 2012. Kalau awal 3 hari, that would be our 8th wedding anniversary. If earlier than that, looks like Baby A will be joining April babies: Abang Afiq & Kakak Mariessa. :)


Please pray that this journey will be a smooth sailing one for us, InsyaAllah.


So we (a very cool Shahril (as always) and a very nervous & excited me) went to LC to collect the kids’ report cards. I thought we would be the first to arrive since we got there at 8.30 sharp, but I thought wrong. Dah ada 5-6 kereta dah pun parked outside the school. Guess I was not the only excited parent around hence that makes me normal. Hehe.


Since Mariessa’s class teacher was available, we went to see her first. Mariessa’s results:





Integrated – Basically Pendidikan Agama Islam. Lupa pulak nak ambik gambar contoh2 soalan.

I don’t know why she wrote her name twice though. Too much time? Hehe



Ni lagi best, sampai 3 kali tulis nama. Looks like kena berlatih Maths byk2 ngan Ayah. :D


Overall comments.

I am impressed with her reading ability, Alhamdulillah. It’s not surprising though, because she IS very hardworking. She reads all the time be it story books or Iqra’, usually dengan suara yang kuattttt sekali sampai Abang tension sebab Abang tak boleh nak concentrate tengok TV. Difference between boys and girls eh?



Afiq pulak:



Maybe kena hantar pegi private tuition dengan Aunty Mas or Aunty Nid. Hehe



Whoopsie. Ini kena tuition ngan Mama. Sebab Mama lagi garang daripada Ayah.

When I asked him why banyak salah, he said, “Soalan yang coins tu Mama, susahlah. Penat Abg fikir!”


Note to self: Kena let him play with coins more. :)



Alhamdulillah. This is probably his strength right now.

When I saw this ( I saw this last, after seeing his Maths & English results), the first thing that came to mind was “Aaaa…. ada harapan nak jadi Doctor lagi ni!”. Can’t blame me, I AM afterall a mother. :P



Overall comments. Alhamdulillah.

Afiq has a natural ability to lead, said the teacher. I hope Shahril and I can find a way to enhance his strength and work on his weaknesses, slowly in time.

It’s a learning process, as much for Afiq as it is for us.


Semoga anak2 MamaAyah akan termasuk dalam golongan cerdik pandai yang beramal soleh, InsyaAllah.



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