I am often absent-minded, sometimes clumsy but rarely careless. But today…


Flashback kejap.


I needed to ‘PosLaju’ something to 2 friends and ‘PosExpress’ something else to another friend. So yesterday, after a quick lunch at the office cafe, I rushed to the post office in Carrefour Wangsa Maju and:


1. waited 30 minutes for my turn, only to be told at the counter that to purchase the Pos Express envelopes I didn’t need to take a number.

2. realized that to send those things via PosLaju, I need to wrap them up first!


Terpaksa la bawak balik everything dulu and come back the next day.




So at lunch time today, I went again. Thought it was my lucky day since the PO was practically empty unlike the day before. Before reaching the counter, saw the PosExpress box first, so I quickly put in the PosExpress Envelope, and then proceeded to the counter for PosLaju process.


Happy that everything took less than 10 minutes, I went to have my lunch. Ordered chicken rice, was about to sms the friend who I ‘PosExpress’ed to, when I realized…







Tak tau la nak describe apa perasaan saya masa tu. Could literally feel muka jadi pucat!

So, I quickly gobbled the chicken rice in fact tak sempat nak habis pun, makan separuh je.. dah takde selera.. And rannnnnnnnnnn to the post office. (Ok, I lied.. I didn’t run lah… I walked very very very quickly je.. nanti orang heran pulak tengok perempuan pakai baju kurung lari lintang pukang).


Went to the PO counter, told encik kaunter what the situation was. Encik kaunter kata, “Puan kena tunggu posmen datang la puan.” When I asked pukul berapa agak2 posmen datang (Kat kotak tu ada tulis: Kutipan terakhir pukul 2 petang), Encik Kaunter kata..”hmmm selalunya dia datang pukul 2 lebih dekat2 pukul 3”




What else could I do, kan? Smsed my boss telling him that I was in a ‘situation’ at the post office and that I would be back as soon as my problem is resolved.


So I waited. It was 1.45pm. Masuk kedai BATA tepi PO tu dulu.. (Best jugak selection kasut2 kat kedai Bata tu). Tapi hati tak senang kan, nak shopping pun tak boleh. Kejap2 jeling PO.


So, berdiri je lah saya kat luar kedai BATA tu.. eyeing the yellow Box while hoping that every guy with a bag who passes by was the postman. (Tak tau la kenapa saya bayangkan dia bawak bag).

2.30pm…. no postman.






2.45pm… penantian itu satu penyeksaan. Seriously!




3.00pm.. Aiyoyo..


3.05pm…. By this time I was on the verge of tears dah. Tension dengan diri sendiri. It’s the worst feeling ever, having done something sooooooooo silly

(and have no one else to put the blame on).


















3.35pm.. I saw a man, in red baju pushing a trolley. Huiii.. berdebar2 dah masa ni! It was INDEED Mr Postman! Yeeeehaaarrrrrrr (Serious, rasa nak je belanja dia ice cream masa tu!)


So I approached him and told him I had put an envelope into that yellow box without writing the address. He looked at me and asked “ohhhh.., lupa nak tulis alamat kat belakang tu ke?”

“Errrrr.. tak… kat depan pun tak tulis!”


Terbeliak mata dia tengok saya. He must be thinking..”apa ke poyo perempuan ni?” Tapi lepas tu dia cepat2 la cover muka terkejut dia.. and said.. “ok, ok.. kita cari envelope tu… besar ke kecik?”


Cari punya cari… jumpa laaaaaaa satu envelope yang tak tertulis apa2 tu.. :P


Makanya… harap2 selamat la PosExpress yang “dijamin sampai esok’ tu sampai ke pangkuan kawan saya..


Aba… kalau dalam pakej tu bukan barang Aba… errrrr…… tak tau la nak cakap apa!  Sob Sob..

thinks it high time for that much needed holiday. *hint! hint!*

12 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    wahhh.... Do u need PA in office? heheh

  2. chantekdress Says:

    Kak ainil.. Uhhuhh.. sadisnyaaa cite kak ainil.. Kalau pasal pos2, tanye je tauke.. Hari2 pi pejabat pos buat urusan yang sama saja.. huhu.. :p len kali kalau ada brg leh kirim kat saya. hehe.. tp kena tulis la alamat.. hihihi.. :p

  3. Nazri Razali Says:

    1. LOL.
    2. Strange nobody at the PO has the keys to the mailboxes.
    3. LOL.

  4. Serene Says:

    Incik Pirate.. PA sgt2 diperlukan. One PA and a bigger desk please! Meja ni dah tak muat byk sgt documents!

  5. Serene Says:

    Tauke Chantek,

    Offer yang sgt best! Okeh next time sebut Pos je... terus bayangkan muka ayuni! Yey!!!TQ babe!

  6. Serene Says:

    Mr Sevven..

    1. :P
    2. As I suspected, they actually keep the keys at the PO (when the postman came, he had to sign in a logbook before taking the key righttttttt at the back of the counter). But I'm guessing (bersangka baik), the counter people don't have the authority to open the mailbox.
    3. :P:P:P

  7. The Momster Says:

    OMG! Funny, but it happens sometimes. Must always do these things in a calm state. Kalau kelam kabut lagi teruk kan? Hihihi.

  8. eeyy...u're just being human :-) its funny..kalau life asek relek je tak bess la kan?skali skala kene la kasi panik hehehe...

  9. Serene Says:

    Momster.. tu lah!

    Shahril gelak terbahak2 bila I told him about this... lepas tu, konon nak pujuk he said.."sebab Ainil makan ubat batuk kot... jadi peiwai!" :P:P:P

  10. Serene Says:

    Jaja... tu lah kan? Sempat lah pucat sekejap semalam! :P

  11. ainil...walaupun memula baca cam kelakar...tapi aba syahdu :( thanks yer ainil...susah payah jer utk aba

  12. Serene Says:

    Aba... takpe takpe.. charges semua ainil claim kemudian.. masa kami pi road trip kat utara nanti.. Hehehehehe...